
Official TkDiff 4.3.1 is now available

V4.3.1 is primarily a bug fix release that solidifies TkDiffs operation, particularly when dealing with certain legitimate Diff engine options that attempt to suppress regions of (oftentime) little consequence, such as extra blank lines. It also repairs the use of the "-conflict filename" command line parameter which had been inadvertently(V4.3) broken. However, on the new capability front, several previously hidden preferences have been exposed for personalization (in addition to the 'suppression' items); including an option to pre-select which side should be initially preferred to contribute its content into a merge - thereby handling the majority of merge choices in one step. The preferences dialog itself should be easier to read via better grouping and layout AND now avoids wasting time reconfiguring aspects that never changed, or would already be handled as part of a larger requested modification. Of course, the online documentation also now reflects the current state and should be consulted first when questions arise, or just to learn of possibilities you may never have considered. Thanks for your continued interest in TkDiff.

Posted by michael-m 2018-06-26

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