
Shortcuts problem Tinn-R

  • JulesH

    JulesH - 2014-03-07

    I loved Tinn-R... until this new install :(

    Tinn-R, Win 7, no prior Tinn-R on this computer.

    Some problems resolved, still struggling with shortcuts, e.g. I set Alt+A for Rsend Selection (echo=TRUE)

    When I try to use this shortcut, Tinn-R for some reason inserts ú before the selection... and of course R does not understand this.

    Error: could not find function "úrm"

    Please can anyone advise how to solve this?
    Many thanks!


    Last edit: JulesH 2014-03-07
  • Francisco Velasco

    Dear Jules:
    In the Tinn-R shortcuts configuration window states clearly avoid the Alt+key in the shortcuts, I had a similar problem since I used alg+Right for sending line, and Ctrl+Right interfered with advancing words in text processors....
    So the solution could be to find a shortcut without the Alt+key
    Hope that helps

    • JulesH

      JulesH - 2014-03-09

      Thank you for helping me Franscisco. I will try a different combination for my shortcut. But... I wish I could use Alt+A as I did with previous Tinn-R versions. My fingers are well-trained to use that particular shortcut.

      Also curious: Using Tinn-R (Win 7) Options|Shortcuts I cannot see advice to avoid Alt for shortcuts, and at the same time I see some default shortcuts do use Alt... so it is a puzzle why we need to avoid Alt in user shortcuts.

      Thanks again!

  • Francisco Velasco

    Hi Jules:
    The warning is on the top right part of the screen to select the hot-keys, a bit hidden, but it's there as you can see in this copy of the screen. I also had the same problem, I was used to send line with Alt+Right, and in fact that's what I keep on using as you also can see in the screen with my hot-keys, but I also had Alt+, and Alt +. to send selection and file, and had to change the Alt to Ctrl. The reason to avoid Alt in the user short cuts also escape my understanding, sure there's a good reason, but we would need J.C. Faria to explain that.
    All the best,

  • jcfaria

    jcfaria - 2014-03-10


    Caution: for Tinn-R shortcuts and hotkeys are different things.

    From the User guide:
    The hotkeys (operational system) allow setting the hotkeys
    related to the operational system. The difference between those hotkeys
    and shortcuts customization is that the latter works only with the focus in
    Tinn-R, whereas the hotkeys work with the focus anywhere.

    There is no restriction on using ALT with shortcuts.
    However, for the hotkeys ALT does not work on all computers and OS flavors.
    Sorry, the cause is still unknown for us.

  • JulesH

    JulesH - 2014-03-12

    Thank you both for extra information. My problem was indeed with shortcuts, not hotkeys. so Alt key should work...

    ... and today I've solved my problem and I still love Tinn-r :)

    Cause of my problem: New laptop had default setting US-International keyboard (reason unknown) although US keyboard is normal setting for English language. I set my laptop to US keyboard and now my Tinn-r shortcut (Alt+A) works fine.

    I was just thinking: It's odd that international keyboard caused a shortcut problem. As far as I understand, Alt key should not be changed with US-International keyboard. It should only change the keys for special marks in some languages (accent, caret, umlaut etc). Maybe clever developers could investigate, just in case it helps to remove the limitation with hotkeys.

    Also I would like to say: BIG thanks to tinn-r developers and maintainers for this very useful software!


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