
Tinn-R does not work with Lastest R 2.8.0

  • Pensen

    Pensen - 2008-11-18

    Worked very well with R 2.3.1, but does not work since I updated R.
    I also updated Tinn R just now. But the problem is still there.
    R can be started, but nothing can be sent to R to execute. Is this a bug of the program? Could anybody help me? Is downgrading R the only option? Thanks!

    • John Rogers

      John Rogers - 2008-12-21

      Further to my previous two postings, I now seem to have resolved my problems & I hope I can help others by telling you about them. Two things are not mentioned in the installation instructions:

      1. When you first start Tinn-R you must be working under the userid where you want to use the program OR you must reconfigure to ensure the various .txt & .r files go into the right user's Application Data file.

      2. You must execute the (re-)configure instructions line by line, not using either selection or all, because the files that transfer the instructions from Tinn to R are not yet set up.

      Hope this wasn't obvious to everyone but me!


    • jcfaria

      jcfaria - 2008-11-18


      I can help you, but, please, send me more information...


    • Pensen

      Pensen - 2008-11-18

      Thanks for your reply, JCFaria. I am using Windows XP SP3. I changed the file according to your post ,
      and upadated the path in the menu Options|Application|R|Path|.
      Rterm can be used normally. Rgui can be started with several packages loaded successfully. But whenever I send some code to Rgui, it just got no code but the cursor moved to the next line.
      Do I need to change other settings? Have not figured out the problem. Kind of frustrated.

      Thanks again!


      • jcfaria

        jcfaria - 2008-11-20

        Hello Pensen,

        Hummm... I've been installing Tinn-R and R 2.8.0 in a lot of hardware and software platform without problem.

        Please, could you send me ( a file with all output text of Rgui.exe when starting?

        Clear the R Console (Rgui) and send me a picture of the R Console with:

        type it in the Rgui:

        a=rnorm(1e2); a

        sent from Tinn-R:

        b=rnorm(1e3); b

        The first line you will to type inside of R console and the second, you will send from Tinn-R.


    • Pensen

      Pensen - 2008-11-19

      I just tried on another computer which had no R or Tinn-R before. But I got the same problem. Rterm is OK, but Rgui does not get input from Tinn-R. This computer has XP SP2.
      Please help to check. Thanks a lot!

    • Ning Ma

      Ning Ma - 2008-12-02

      hi Faria

      I met the same problem like Pensen. I installed a fresh R 2.8.0 and Tinn-R, and follow the instructions in

      Just as described by Pensen, Rterm can be used normally. Rgui can be started with several packages loaded successfully. But whenever I send some code to Rgui, it just got no code but the cursor moved to the next line.

      > a=rnorm(1e2); a
      [1] -0.349492456 -0.717101335 0.764115003 -0.480532406 0.389607557 0.224771044 0.910173950 -0.334110394 -1.110037665
      [10] 0.620247865 -0.646604145 -0.225957442 0.503869425 -0.406897883 0.027672038 -0.184761300 0.224897577 2.172078668
      [19] 1.533823748 -0.098837042 0.529421380 0.719557047 0.627039668 0.649571332 0.449036566 -0.895443085 0.375917092
      [28] -0.962183314 -1.520505065 0.426901244 1.170706187 0.449180369 -0.977478201 0.683336136 0.010165814 0.803598875
      [37] 0.641545502 1.857198697 0.422336001 -0.443836345 0.572221357 0.523395105 0.126514439 -0.163224936 -1.114544197
      [46] -0.275588511 -0.565473833 1.590658001 0.433338303 -1.074525116 -2.297404630 -1.280791364 -0.008083359 1.673967227
      [55] 0.649134456 0.375994305 -0.213730469 -0.616752829 -0.281242533 0.374782047 -1.472654480 0.674864881 -1.987577241
      [64] 0.673159189 -0.918217712 0.356897322 0.617658095 -0.777123082 1.807580851 0.481074957 1.285893558 0.531218583
      [73] 1.385529808 0.943324033 1.375276777 -0.583634823 -0.254190082 -0.569452158 -0.125330765 0.329617484 -0.103963729
      [82] 0.135148127 1.297742409 -0.215201618 -0.659752646 -0.027187692 0.080099883 -0.675007014 -0.205414792 -0.092437884
      [91] -0.348947318 -1.004884244 -1.629132791 0.798336966 -0.040284333 1.811443724 -0.242496285 2.004276565 -1.180637623
      [100] -0.031177287

      The last two ">" were generated by sending "b=rnorm(1e3);b" from Tinn-R.

      > b
      Error: object "b" not found

      You see, nor did it process the command in backgroud.

      Forgive my broken English :)

      Ning Ma

    • Leon Bax

      Leon Bax - 2008-12-04

      Hi everybody,

      I am experiencing the same problems and have found the following with R 2.8.0 and Tinn-R

      1) On Japanese Windows Vista:
      + Installation is no problem
      + Configuring works fine
      + Additional packages are nicely installed automatically
      - Erratic behavior with regard to closing & starting Rgui. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
      - Even if Rgui isn't open, Tinn-R seems to think it is and when you tell Tinn-R to close Rgui it will grab a window of another program and adjust its size or put it in focus
      - In the R explorer in the tools window on the left the R explorer does not show any packages, only .GlobaEnv and no objects
      - The send line commands mostly do not work. Changing shortcuts does not help.
      - Rterm works fine

      2) On Japanese XP
      - Exactly the same behavior as above... This means it's not a Vista issue...

      3) On English XP
      +++ No problem what so ever... Works wonderfully... Maybe a language thing?

      With R 2.7.1 and Tinn-R

      4) On clean Japanese Windows Vista without any R and Tinn-R:
      + Seems to work fine, although there is a glitch in sending lines (it sometimes requires two ‘send line’ commands...

      5) On Japanese Windows Vista with previously R and Tinn-R installed but then uninstalled (including appdata folder and registry sweep).
      - the same problems as described in (1)

      5) On Japanese XP with everything uninstalled
      - the same problems as described in (2)

      I’d like to check with 2.8.0 on English Vista but it’s working at home with 2.7.2 it seems so I don’t want to screw it up…

      So far, it seems that there is an issue between Rgui of 2.8.0 (and 2.7.2) and Tinn-R on Japanese systems. Maybe this is a language thing. It worked fine on an English XP system… Tinn-R can still be used, albeit it with the Rterm interface...

      Hope this helps…


    • Pensen

      Pensen - 2008-12-05

      Thanks for all previous replies! I wanna add one more point --- All systems I tried on is Chinese XP. This may indicate it is a language issue, even though it would be kind of surprising. Hope it will help with the development of Tinn-R. Thanks again!


    • Pensen

      Pensen - 2008-12-06

      I just tried it on English XP. No problem at all! So it should be a compatibility problem with languages.


    • Daiichiro Akiyama

      Hi everybody

      I'm a Japanese, and I use Japanese Windows XP.
      I met the same problem.

      Open "Control Panel" > "Region and Language option" > "Regional Options" dialog, and select "English(United States)".
      After that operation, Tinn-R works without any problem.

      Please excuse my poor English.


    • Pensen

      Pensen - 2008-12-07

      Great job, Daiichiro! It worked for me, even though I am afraid there might be some problems with viewing east Asian languages with the "English(US)" option! Thanks again! Hope we will see a fix in the next release.


    • Leon Bax

      Leon Bax - 2008-12-10

      Hi Daiichiro. That's a good find! I'll try it tomorrow at the university. I am now working at home with an English-language computer without issues. At the university I use it with Rterm only.

      I have one issue remaining (also on the EN computer), which is that sometimes when I have multiple tabs (files) open in Tinn-R and I switch between tabs it hangs in a tab and I can't switch. Often the program crashes after that...

      Still, Tinn-R is a great little program!!

    • John Rogers

      John Rogers - 2008-12-20

      I cannot make Rgui or Rterm work properly either. I am using XP & working in English. I think there is a problem with Admin privileges. I am running without Admin (for security reasons) and when I try to execute some code I get an Rgui error C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\Tinn-R\tmp\selection.r. As you see, TINN/R is trying to access a privileged file. Incidently, C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\Tinn-R\ does not contain a tmp folder - could it be that it was not created because of privilege?

      Investigating further.


    • John Rogers

      John Rogers - 2008-12-20

      Seem to have fixed the problem I reported earlier today. It is evidently essential to have to first Tinn-R session under a userid with admin privileges otherwise the Rgui connection does not get set up properly. After the first session things seem to work when running without privilege.



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