
Problems using mtrace() function in Rterm

  • Francisco Velasco

    I've found that when I'm using debug package and funcion mtrace() with rterm, I can not print or in fact give any command to Rterm. When I try to do it looks like Rterm clips the first character of the command, print(a1) returns Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function "rint"
    Nevertheless when I do the same in Rgui instead of Rterm, it works fine.
    Looks like there's a problem in the connetion between Tinn-R and Rterm that does not occur with Rgui
    Maybe there's something wrong with my server connections in any case because when I open Rgui many times it takes some time to load sgInfo.R and open the SocketServer, and it pops up an error that TinnCom package is not found, I only have to wait a bit till it is loaded and the connections are set, so it works again.
    Any clue what's happening?
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    • jcfaria

      jcfaria - 2016-07-04

      I think it was fixed in the new pre-release version of the project:
      - Pre-release (2016/07/01): Tinn-R_04.02.04.00_setup.exe


      ///\\///\\///\\///\\///\\///\\///\\///\\ Jose Claudio Faria
      joseclaudio.faria at
      55(73)3680.5545 - UESC
      55(73)99966.9100 - VIVO
      55(73)99100.7351 - TIM
      55(73)98817.6159 - OI
      55(73)98129.9942 - CLARO

      On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 1:39 PM, Francisco Velasco

      I've found that when I'm using debug package and funcion mtrace() with
      rterm, I can not print or in fact give any command to Rterm. When I try to
      do it looks like Rterm clips the first character of the command, print(a1)
      returns Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function "rint"
      Nevertheless when I do the same in Rgui instead of Rterm, it works fine.
      Looks like there's a problem in the connetion between Tinn-R and Rterm
      that does not occur with Rgui
      Maybe there's something wrong with my server connections in any case
      because when I open Rgui many times it takes some time to load sgInfo.R and
      open the SocketServer, and it pops up an error that TinnCom package is not
      found, I only have to wait a bit till it is loaded and the connections are
      set, so it works again.
      Any clue what's happening?
      Thanks a lot in advance.

      Problems using mtrace() function in Rterm

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