
#59 R gui button not present


When R or scratches, and we need to clore the both programs manually, in the next starts all the buttons and menus for starting R gui disappered !
Please do something, the only way to coorect it seems to re-install TinnR... :-(


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I experienced the same problem with the new version of yesterday, without solution, too.

  • jcfaria

    jcfaria - 2009-02-11


    It is very strange and the first time that is pointed out.
    First: Are you sure that your operational system is OK?
    Second: please, could you send me more details?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Had the same problem with Tinn-R 2.2.0 and R 2.90.

    How? Just start R by clicking on the menu option "R", "start/close", "Rgui" and then crash R and close Tinn-R. Tinn-R will show the option "Rgui close". It can't close R because R is no longer running (and if you start R manually it still doesn't work because R isn't 'linked' to Tinn-R in that case), and it can't start R because the menu option "Rgui start" is no longer available.


    Uninstall Tinn-R, delete the configuration directory, reinstall. Tinn-R is still deadlocked.

    Tried starting R manually and connecting via the menu option "R" "Server (connections and tests)", doesn't work but gives me a sensible error message: "R not in server mode [] startSocketServer()". Removed R, reinstalled R, manually installed the svXXXXXX packages, ran the function startSocketServer()", got [TRUE] back from R, looked at TinnR ... didn't work: Tinn-R didn't "see" R.

    The point is that button "Rgui (start)" is replaced by a button "Rgui (close)" as soon as R is started. Now when R crashes, Tinn-R retains some status information that makes it believe that R is still running. So it only displays the button "Rgui (close)" and not "Rgui (start)".

    Pressing the button "Rgui (close)" has no effect of course because R is not running (or if it is running it's not running under Tinn-R's control). Start R manually and Tinn-R still can't find it (not even if you try using the server connection menu). There is no way to restart R under control of Tinn-R since the button to do so ("Rgui (start)") has been replaced with the one saying "Rgui (close)"

    The net result is that I cannot use Tinn-R anymore in conjunction with RGui.

    Unfortunately this problem cannot even be resolved by reinstalling Tinn-R! It sneakily keeps the status information somewhere where it's not removed when I uninstall it. To top it off, reverting to a previous version ( didn't work either (same problem).

    My suggestions:
    (1) make sure that it's possible to override Tinn-R's status information, both by deleting it manually and by removing it when Tinn-R is deinstalled (where is it anyway?)
    (2) remove all user settings by default when uninstalling Tinn-R, get TInn-R working in "vanilla" mode, and when that works give the user an option to reload his old settings. That shouldn't be hard as Tinn-R now backs up user settings.

    Oh yes, and I think my operating system is working fine; it works for all other software but Tinn-R.

    Cheers !

  • jcfaria

    jcfaria - 2014-01-29
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> v1.0_(example)

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