
#2 UI improvements, keybinding changes


The TimeSaver UI by itself is fine, but some useability
changes to it could be made so that it becomes a bit
easier to use. First, I have attached a mockup to this
post to serve as an example of how most of these
suggestions could look like to the user. Now, the first
addition I suggest would be to give each task its own
"Complete" checkbox in the same row as the rest of the
info on each task, because highliting a task and then
clicking on the checkbox in the area above the tasks
may prove to be a bit confusing for many users. In
addition, an hours field should be added to the area in
which one may enter a task lasting more than 1 hour 39
minutes without having to bring up the "New task"
dialog. Also, a percentage should be added in the
progress bar for each task so that one can have a
better approximation of the time elapsed without having
to look at the bar and guess. Finally, I believe the
current Alt+x keybindings are a bit confusing, and hard
to do due to the excess strain inputting such key
combinations causes on one's hands. Therefore, I
request that the foollowing keybindings be changed:

Alt+N (new task) --> Ctrl+N
Alt+E (edit selected task) --> Ctrl+E
Alt+D (delete selected task) --> Delete key

and that the following should be added:

Ctrl+S: Save current session
Ctrl+O: Open saved session
Ctrl+V: View Report

So, that concludes my suggestions; please feel free to
implement/reject as many as you want, and thank you for


  • Thomas Delgado

    Thomas Delgado - 2006-08-16

    Mockup of TimeSaver window after suggestions

  • Danko Komlen

    Danko Komlen - 2006-09-01

    Logged In: YES

    I have considered your suggestions.

    Percentage on progress bar will be a bit difficult if not
    imposible because of wxWidgets support for such option.
    It's the same with checkbox for each list item but I will
    see what I can do.

    Thank you for submiting suggestions.


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