
More complete list of command

  • URB

    URB - 2012-09-15

    I'm beginning to use TileStudio and want to write my own TSD. For that, I read the tutorial from the website where is a list of command. However, it seems to be incomplete.
    For example the Binary Output Example which is include with the game contains a #binfile command which I can't find in the tutorial.
    Since using a binary format is impossible if you don't know what type of data is used (how many octet should I read for each data?), I need more explanation for this command. And there may be others.

    So, is there a more up to date command list?



  • Mike Wiering

    Mike Wiering - 2012-09-25

    Sorry, I don't have a better list, you should be able to find anything not listed in the tutorial page in the News section on the homepage.


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