
#32 Non fixed position optionally

Massimo B.

I have 6 tilda in a grid. Usually I have this setup as a saved XFCE session, so every XFCE login should restore the 6 tildas.

The problem is about having a separate configuration for each instance. So I copied the configuration. Therefore I needed to replace the shortcuts by sed for all configurations:

$ for ((i=1;i<20;i++));do 'cp' -vf config_$((i-1)) config_$i; sed -i "s/<Alt>$((i-1))/<Alt>$i/g" config_$i; done

But for the fixed position this is more tricky since I needed to configure every single tilda separately, no way with sed. Eventhough XFCE remembers the positions, every tilda is starting at the same fixed position. I would like to have an option to disable the fixed position if not cancelling this feature at all.

Until this bug is not fixed on XFCE Terminal, tilda is the best replacement as my main terminal emulation:

..eventhough I don't care two figs about quake or things like the drop down animation which looks funny with 6 concurrent tildas.

If you don't mind I would also try to file a request to drop this seperate config thing per instance, but I guess this would break the whole tilda idea...


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