
TickleTV / News: Recent posts

TickleTV Web-version 1.5


A major release of TickleTV has been released today. The release includes a web-interface which completely replaces the former Tk-interface. The "old" program still exists as daemon, just to start and end the recordings, do commskipping, clearing the video-disk, etc.

Unfortunately the English translation is not yet finished, so most parts of the web-interface will be in Dutch. It's very usable indeed, but in Dutch.... read more

Posted by MvanderHeide 2006-01-02

TickleTV version 1.1 (Standalone programme)

TickleTV 1.1 has just been released!

Some highlights:
- Standalone programma, so there's no need for ActiveTcl!
- Build-in IMDB-matching, so there's no need for the tv_imdb!
- Added internal grabber for more than 160 channels!

Have fun,

Posted by MvanderHeide 2005-09-25

TickleTV version 1.0 (Build-in xmltv-grabbers)


I've just uploaded a new version of TickleTV, which has several build-in grabbers, so less need for external xmltv-grabbers.


Posted by MvanderHeide 2005-06-19

TickleTV version 0.9RC1 (Multi-language)

The newest version of TickleTV is available.

This version has some big improvements:
- Multi-language support added. Currently Dutch and English, but it is very easy to add other languages.
- Completely object orriented, to support all of the functions of xmltv.
- Every file is converted to xmltv-format, so no information is lost ... ever!

For a full report of all the changes, please see the changelog.... read more

Posted by MvanderHeide 2005-05-06

TickleTV version 0.0.3 (filtering improved)

With the release of version 0.0.3 the filtering of programms based on title (or just a part of it), category (or part), actor (or part) and minimal IMDB-rating has been drastically advanced.
You can filter on all those items or any combination.

And again, try it, "It's worth it!".


Posted by MvanderHeide 2005-03-14

TickleTV version 0.0.2 (config improved)


The release of TickleTV 0.0.2 is available!
The installation and configuration drastically changed, to make it easier to get you going with TickleTV. A list of all changes can be found in the change log.

I assure you: "It's worth it!".

Posted by MvanderHeide 2005-03-06

Release 0.0.1 is a fact!

From today there is a new player on the field of Personal Video Recorder (PCR for short). TickleTV is a totally different program than all of the others. First of all, it doesn't actually capture or play the videos. It is a very very good scheduler for (at the moment) all of the Hauppauge-cards which use WinTV. You can actually program TickleTV to record a television-program with a title that contains a phrase (for example, you can record every program that contains "Simpsons"). It includes teletext-subtitles, USB-UIRT-support, IMDB-information, etc. Just give it a try!

Posted by MvanderHeide 2005-02-26