DidierB - 2008-12-18


I have detected an infinite loop in the shutdown method of thinwire.render.web.Webapplication class.
It append when the application quits

Here is the original code

while (proc.isInUse()) {
  if (log.isLoggable(LEVEL)) log.log(LEVEL, Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": processor returned, probably from flush(), sending null event");
  proc.handleRequest((WebComponentEvent)null, new CharArrayWriter());                   

I have added a counter to avoid this infinite loop

int i=0;
while (proc.isInUse() && i++<1024) {
  if (log.isLoggable(LEVEL)) log.log(LEVEL, Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": processor returned, probably from flush(), sending null event");
  proc.handleRequest((WebComponentEvent)null, new CharArrayWriter());                   

This currently solve my problem but a deeper analysis is required.
