

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    How can I disable watchdog? It keeps timing out then my connection drops for a few seconds.

    • Chuck Daemon

      Chuck Daemon - 2002-02-19

      It sounds like you're having problems with your NIC.  What NICs are you using and what is the exact error message ?  The watchdog isn't the problem; it's the symptom. If you were able to disable the watchdog your connection would probably drop and never come back.

      The only watchdog messages I've ever seen are from the kue USB Ethernet driver.  Unfortunately for that driver they seem to be fatal.

      I'm no expert; you might want to search the FreeBSD mailing lists.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I tried to post this yesterday but the site seems to have died on me for a while, anyways it was my DFE-530TXS nic that was the problem (sundance modules) I switched it with a DFE-530TX from my win2k box and put the TXS in my win2k box...

      it seems to work fine in windows....


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