
thevibe / News: Recent posts

Nouvelle publication / New article

A very important article is published in "Applied Bionics and Biomechanics". This new article describe precisely the ideas that could guide the development of a future new version of "the vibe".

The Vibe: a versatile vision-to-audition sensory substitution device
Authors: Sylvain Hannetona; Malika Auvraya; Bartheacutelemy Duretteb

We describe a sensory substitution scheme that converts a video stream into an audio stream in real-time. It was initially developed as a research tool for studying human ability to learn new ways of perceiving the world: the Vibe can give us the ability to learn a kind of 'vision' by audition. It converts a video stream into a continuous stereophonic audio signal that conveys information coded from the video stream. The conversion from the video stream to the audio stream uses a kind of retina with receptive fields. Each receptive field controls a sound source and the user listens to a sound that is a mixture of all these sound sources. Compared to other existing vision-to-audition sensory substitution devices, the Vibe is highly versatile in particular because it uses a set of configurable units working in parallel. In order to demonstrate the validity and interest of this method of vision to audition conversion, we give the results of an experiment involving a pointing task to targets memorised through visual perception or through their auditory conversion by the Vibe. This article is also an opportunity to precisely draw the general specifications of this scheme in order to prepare its implementation on an autonomous/mobile hardware.... read more

Posted by shanneton 2010-12-16

Nouvelle publication / New publication about the vibe

A new scientific publication by B. Durette concerning the testing og the vibe was published during the welle known European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'2008)in Marseille.

- B. Durette, N. Louveton, D. Alleysson, J. Hérault (2008) Visuo-auditory sensory substitution for mobility assistance : testing TheVIBE. Workshop on Computer Vision for Applications for the Visually Impaired, 10th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'2008), Marseille.... read more

Posted by shanneton 2008-10-16


Un fichier d'aide en anglais au format pdf est disponible sur le wiki du projet.

A help file (user's guide) is available on the wiki site of the project.

Posted by shanneton 2008-02-28

TheVibe installer released / Installeur Win32 disponible

Vous pouvez maintenant télécharger un installeur (fichiers binaires) windows pour la release "initiale".

You can now download a win32 installer for the 'initial' release.

Posted by shanneton 2008-02-28

TheVibe passe en OpenSource / TheVibe is now OpenSource

Le processus est en cours, les sources du programme ainsi que les derniers binaires pour windows 32 bits devraient être en ligne rapidement.

Avant cela il faut réorganiser les sources et vérifier que tous les modules nécessaires à la compilation du programme respectent les contraintes légales.

A bientôt

Posted by shanneton 2008-01-14