l0basetom - 2014-01-01


I looked at my TreePad outline again -- the sample outline above is missing one more tier. It should look like this:

  • Games
    • Collection
      • Box 1
        • Retail Box
          Game A
          Game B
        • Jewel Case
          Game C
      • Box 2
        • Retail Box
          Game D
        • Jewel Case
          Game E
          Game F
    • Wanted
      • Adventure
        Game G
        Game H
      • RPG
        Game I

By only showing the node title, you are missing the most crucial information (box #), which happens to be one level above the matching node title. Again, this is just an example; there are much more complex hierarchies where displaying the full node path to the user would be most beneficial.


Last edit: l0basetom 2014-01-01