
Trouble invoking texdoc using -help- via right-click or menu (OS X)

TXS - Help
  • wildgunman

    wildgunman - 2015-01-08

    I can't seem to get the package help menu to work properly on my installation. I'm using Yosemite, though I was having the same problem on Mavericks, under 2.8.6 and 2.8.8.

    When I try to use the Packages Help window, the Open button is always greyed out. When I get package help by right clicking on the package name I get the error "texdoc did not respond to query on package: -package name-". Texdoc works fine when invoking it from the terminal "texdoc -package name-", properly bringing up the package documentation.

    Does anyone know what the problem is or how I can fix this?

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2015-01-09

    The PATH variable may be different for the command line and GUI programs like TXS. Please try to add the the folder in which texdoc is located to Config -> Build -> Additional Search Paths -> Commands ($PATH)

  • qx87

    qx87 - 2016-03-31

    I have the same problem. And I am also using portable version.

    This field does not work correctly with environment variables, like fields in ""Config -> Commands" do. For example I use that command for running LaTeX and it works perfectly:
    "%COMMANDER_PATH%..\texlive\bin\win32\latex.exe" -src -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

    I'd like to be able to use such additional search path:

    But it fails. Any recommendations?


    Last edit: qx87 2016-04-01
  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2016-03-31

    This has not been supported. Implemented: hg 5930 (d75837199cfe)

    Workaround until the next release:

    Depending on what you want to achieve [txs-app-dir] or [txs-settings-dir] may be sufficient: see the manual.

  • qx87

    qx87 - 2016-04-01

    That sounds very good. And even better than my way of using alien environment variable %COMMANDER_PATH%. But, unfortunately, it also fails.

    I used that path:
    [txs-app-dir]\ ..\texlive\bin\win32

    // There is no space between \ and .. I just inserted it here, because forum engine somewhy swallows it

    Just for clarifying: on my USB flash I have such folder structure:

    │ └─bin
    │ └─win32

    And %COMMANDER_PATH% obviosly points to Programs\totalcmd. I believe [txs-app-dir] points to Programs\TeXstudio.

    Does TeXstudio have any means to see real value of [txs-app-dir] ?


    Last edit: qx87 2016-04-01
  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2016-05-21

    sorry. [txs-app-dir] and [txs-settings-dir] were not interpreted in the additional search paths.

    fixed: 6041 (05653c00e72d)


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