PatrickT - 2014-08-27

I have just upgraded from MacTeX 2013 to MacTeX 2014 and, for some reason, my Latexmk settings stopped working. After playing around a little while, I found new settings that work. I'm posting this here for reference and/or generate comments. Thanks.

Default Settings for Latexmk as they appeared after a new install (didn't work for me):
latexmk -pdf -silent -pdflatex="pdflatex -synctex=1 %%O %%S" %

Adjusted Settings for Latexmk discovered by trial and error (works for me):
/usr/texbin/latexmk -pdf -silent -pdflatex=\"pdflatex -synctex=1 %%O %%S\" %.tex

Apparently I needed to specify the directory structure by prepending /usr/texbin, and I needed to specify the extension by appending .tex


Last edit: PatrickT 2014-08-27