
Convert to Html problem

  • Alex Koudrin

    Alex Koudrin - 2012-10-08

    I'm on Windows XP with MikTex 2.9, ImageMagic 6.7.9 Q16, and TexStudio 2.4
    installed. I'm trying to convert my book into HTML using TexStudio, which is
    the logical choice as it's my platform for building Latex and pdf output
    (quite successfully).

    I'm having some problems with the Html conversion. I hope the problem will be
    easier to sort out than trying to install and use latex2html or tex4ht tools.
    The half day that I spent trying to get either of the tools going did not
    produce anything and got me more confused and frustrated than ever.

    To the details of the problem. The output in the Convert to Html window is:

    Compiling input file. Please wait...
      Running this command: latex -interaction=nonstopmode "master_content".tex
      Running this command: latex -interaction=nonstopmode "master_content".tex
      Running this command: latex -interaction=nonstopmode "master_content".tex
      Running this command: dvips -q  -Ppk -V -h psheader.txt -o "master_content".ps "master_content".dvi
    Scanning files. Please wait...
      Running this command: "C:/Program Files/GPLGS/gswin32c.exe" -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=bbox "C:\Personal\Sports\Foosball\Ebook Stuff\ebook\"
    Error : a process has failed
    As well as my usual Latex output files I see the new, non-zero sized files:
    and one directory was created:
    which contains
    I found no errors (error|fail) in master_content.log log file.
    Do  you have any suggestions as to which process failed? I have a feeling it would be related to my configuration of various tools in TexStudio Config (Commands and Build), but there's not enough info to go on to see what the problem is.
    This process is important for me as I aim to release an ePub version of my book and the first stage is converting the source to Html.
  • Alex Koudrin

    Alex Koudrin - 2012-10-08

    Sorry for my bad formatting. I think I've omitted the curly brackets between
    the code segments.

  • Benito van der Zander

    I hope the problem will
    be easier to sort out than trying to install and use latex2html or tex4ht

    Probably not :(

    Running this command: "C:/Program Files/GPLGS/gswin32c.exe" -q -dBATCH
    -sDEVICE=bbox "C:\Personal\Sports\Foosball\Ebook Stuff\ebook\"

    Is the path to ghostscript correct?
    Can you run it on the command line?

    This process is important for me as I aim to release an ePub version of my
    and the first stage is converting the source to Html.

    Forget it then...

    This html conversion only converts each page of the document to an image
    and then makes an webpage containing all the images.

    That is useless for an conversion to ePub

    On 10/08/2012 11:33 PM, wrote:

  • Alex Koudrin

    Alex Koudrin - 2012-10-11

    Thank you. That's very helpful.

    Would you suggest trying to set up tex4ht for the best conversion results?

    Because tex4ht seems to be included in MikTex and probably TexLive,
    conversions to various formats could be made available in TexStudio in the
    future? I know it would be a lot of work...

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2012-10-13

    I haven't worked with tex4ht myself, but from what I've heard, I'd try this

    I wouldn't exclude that TXS someday directly supports tex4ht. However it's not
    a high priority in the development. Furthermore we'd first have to dig into it
    how to create a proper UI for it and make the options easily available.
    Chances for implementation would increase if there is some tex4ht expert who
    could point out, what would be needed and useful.

  • Alex Koudrin

    Alex Koudrin - 2012-10-18

    If I sort out tex4ht for myself, I will post a guide of how to do the conversion.

    With TS design you could start with a very simple UI, where tex4ht works for several common conversion file types, perhaps HTML only to start with.If users want to modify parameters they could do it on the command line of the command just like you can for all the build commands in TS. The main thing is to make tex4ht work from within TS so that it works the same way as e.g. compiling latex and producing the output pdf.

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2012-10-23

    Let me know, when you have looked into tex4ht. Creating a simple UI wizard for the conversion is not a big deal. However, since I don't know tex4ht, I cannot easily come up with a good design and the required options and necessary program calls. If you (or someone else) with tex4ht knowledge is willing to help, I think, we can make something in that direction.

  • Alex Koudrin

    Alex Koudrin - 2012-10-25

    Will do

  • Javier Alliaume

    Javier Alliaume - 2017-04-20

    Hi, i'm using MikTex and TexStudio, both in the last and portable version.

    I'm wrinting my thesis, with a package and styles defined by my University.It's working fine. I can compile and hava a pretty pdf.But since i need to send to my teacher so she can read and sugest corrections, and that stuff i want to have it in other format than pdf.

    I try to convert the pdf to word or open format but it's not fine.

    So i've tried to use the "export to html" option in Textudio. But it doesn't work.Then i'vetried from command line, using htmltex command from bin folder (of miktex). The programan install some things automaticaly and then i can make my html file. But it looks very bad... It seems that it doesn't include some packages that latex and pdflatex includes...

    So: first: ¿its necesary to configure texstudio to use tex4ht or other program to create html document?

    Then, ¿can you help me with the usage of tex4ht or htlatex?

        Thanks a lot!!!!


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