
Features requested for git support

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2013-10-08

    git support is one of the most requested features in TXS. Since git is far more complex than SVN, a first implementation should focus on the essential features. Therefore I'd like to collect user feedback on this. Please post which functionality you consider
    a) essential for a basic workflow
    b) useful additional features.

    A suggestion could be:
    a) commit, push and pull commands. An option "automatically commit (or commit and push) on save".
    b) ..

  • Marcel

    Marcel - 2013-11-09


    a) commit (with optional comment), add, push and pull, option "automatically commit (or commit and push) on save"
    b) diff (differents between the commits), branch and tags management, remove
    c) [useful but not so pressing] status, log
    I do the commands "commit,add,remove,status,log" with a TeXstudio's user scripts. But a support by TeXstudio will be pretty better.



    Last edit: Marcel 2013-11-09
  • sailor

    sailor - 2014-09-18

    I strongly recommend integrate git as the default syncing tools.
    I also wish the editor show the differences between comments in an appreciated way, something like the attachment.


    Last edit: sailor 2014-09-18
    • Marcos

      Marcos - 2016-09-07

      I wrote a comment here that would be also nice feature for collaborative work.

  • Xiaodong

    Xiaodong - 2015-03-26

    My recommended minimum list:Commit, diff, push, pull, merge, branch, checkout.

  • Fabian Wüthrich

    I would really appreciate this feature! Maybe we should start with a simple commit/push/pull and then go further.


    Last edit: Fabian Wüthrich 2015-03-30
  • Glenn Fulford

    Glenn Fulford - 2015-10-27

    I'm not very experieced with github, but I presume people want it so they can edit collaboratively.
    The lack of "track changes" is probably the one major reason that stops people switching from word to latex, in my experience.

    So, if using github is the right solution to providing some "track changes" feature in latex then I very much support integrating github into texstudio as soon as possible. I would go with the inimal features first. So I would agree with implementing the basic features mentioned, commit, push and pull commands, and perhaps some default .gitignore (since latex creates lots of extra files).

    In the longer term, some means of viewing the changes and adopting them would be essential to convince people to use this feature. But I think getting the basic features implemented first is more important.


  • somelinguist

    somelinguist - 2015-11-29

    a) commit (with optional comment), add, remove, ignore, push and pull, status
    b) diff

  • Gilles Bonnet

    Gilles Bonnet - 2016-05-12

    a) commit (with optional comment), push and pull, option "automatically commit (or commit and push) on save"
    b) diff
    c) diff viewer with the two synchronized corresponding PDF



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