
#543 could not start TeX commands


I have been using the latest svn version of TeXstudio happily until a while ago. Then, I happened to install the TeX Live 2012 pretest and removed the 2011 version. From that time on, TeXstudio has not been able to start any TeX commands liike xetex, pdflatex, etc. I removed the whole installed TeXstudio, recompiled it and installed it anew, but it still doesn't work.

(The command PATH is correct. I can use command line or TeXworks with the TeXlive 2012 pretest but not TeXstudio.)
(My old TeXlive 2011 was in /usr/local/texlive but the new 2012 is in /home/pan/texlive folder.)


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  • Benito van der Zander

    What does printenv prints, if you call it as user command from with texstudio?

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2012-10-03

    no user feedback

  • Ven. Pandita

    Ven. Pandita - 2012-10-03

    @benibela. Sorry! Your question, being more than one month later than my last comment, somehow misses my knowledge. In the meantime, I have reinstalled the new version of Ubuntu, and Texstudio has been working properly since then.

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