
#245 Unable to open PDF - checked settings


I\'m using Adobe Acrobat X Pro. Sometimes, I get the following error trying to view the PDF: \"There was an error opening this document. This file cannot be found.\" I have compiled the PDF fine, this happens trying to view directly after compilation. I haven\'t put any special character in my filename. My PDF viewer settings are: \"C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Acrobat 10.0/Acrobat/Acrobat.exe\" %.pdf

Which seem to be correct. If the error occurs, it repeats until another document is opened/closed in acrobat. Other applications (including LaTeX editors) work with acrobat fine.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Screenshot of error.

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2011-01-03

    if this happens, is the pdf file where it is supposed to be (please check with explorer)
    Can you open it with acrobat reader by double clicking ?
    (if you can open it, is it possible to do it via tmx as well ?)
    Maybe your pdf has not finished compiling yet. Latex compilation may take some time. Has the message "process finished normally" (or similar) appeared before you try to open it ?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-05

    Yes, the pdf file IS where it is supposed to be (checked with explorer, and it's the newest version), and has finished compiling(Process exited normally).

    Without recompiling, sometimes, if TexMakerX or Acrobat are exited and then reopened, occasionally the bug doesn't occur. I can only assume it is a problem with the DDM command TexMakerX sends Acrobat.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-05

    I can open by using Acrobat (double-clicking) and it's the newest version, too (so I assume it isn't a MiKTeX bug).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-05

    Yes, I can open it using TMX if I change the viewer in the same session without recompilation.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-05

    I mean to TMX's internal viewer. Also, I can't open it even though the file seems to exist, and is the latest compiled version (changes are reflected in the file). Sorry for all the comments, was testing before posting each one.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-05

    Additionally, I get "Process exited with errors" whether or not the file opens successfully, after clicking ok or closing the file,

  • Benito van der Zander

    1. It is better to use an absolute path with the Adobe Acrobat (Reader,
      but probably also true for X Pro) like "?am.pdf" instead of %.pdf
    2. With the command you mentioned, tmx does not use DDE, you have to use
      something like:
      dde://C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat
  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2011-01-29

    this problem still occurring ?


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