
#2011 Autocomplete \label{} and Include problems


I am writing a multi-part thesis in TeXStudio and am having a problem with the autocomplete function associated with \label{} when combined with \include{}. When I create a brand new document (labeltest = master, bugtest = subordinate), all new labels I create show up properly in (1) the Structure tab (under >Labels) (2) in each subdocument (by syntax highlighting STUFF in \label{STUFF}), and (3) in autocomplete when I type \ref{.

However, if I save the documents and restart TeXStudio, the labels in every subdocument no longer appear in any of contexts (1-3) above (note: cross-referencing works properly for the TeX structure and the final output, butt not in TeX studio). However, in some cases, I can add NEW labels in the subdocument and have them show up for all of contexts (1-3), even while the older labels do not. Older labels WILL (sometimes, and inconsistently - the following are in order of success rate) syntax highlight properly if altered by (a) completely removing and retyping the entire label, (b) moving the label, (c) doing an autocomplete of \label to \label. Once the proper referencing is restored, the document stays that way until closed and reopened. I have attached a minimal working document that exhibited these problems.

The problem is more pervasive in my larger thesis, since sometimes I cannot get any new labels to syntax highlight properly in my entire document tree. I managed to make them show up once by changing all my files from {standalone} to \include-type, but the labels vanished again when restarting. Additionally, in my thesis, I cannot get \label to be recognized even in the parent document.

I am using version 2.11.2.

Thank you

1 Attachments


  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2017-01-14

    no feedback

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2017-01-14
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: -->

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