
verbatim and texpower

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The manual (p. 10) says using verbatim with texpower is not possible.  2 questions: Is there a time frame when something might be implemented? and Is there *any* kind of work around? I need this feature to write an interactive programming text.

    Jim Haefner

    • Hans Fr. Nordhaug

      I don't understand the internals of texpower well enough to tell you when this will be implemented. Only Stephan can answer that...

      You can of course work around this if you accept that complete lines is the smallest building piece - see example below. (Since leading white space is removed in the forum the Java code won't be indented.)

      \foilhead{Code test}
      public class SomeClass {
          public static void main( String[] args) {
              System.out.println("Main method");

      I agree, this is very limited solution. I suggest that you submit a feature request at then Stephan will notice.



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