
#97 Window is so big that button can not be selected

window size (1)
Jose Rueda

I installed the new version of textmath in libreoffice 6.04 and I have a problem with the windows size. The size is so big that it do not fit into the screen so I can not click in the button to create the equation or change options.

1 Attachments


Bugs: #97


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  • Roland Baudin

    Roland Baudin - 2021-05-01

    Hi, I tried to reproduce the bug with your setup, but I could'nt. I used LibreOffice 7.1.2 with TexMaths 0.49 in Windows 10, with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 in a VM.

    The TexMaths window was only too big with a text size of 175% (and in this case the font size is really BIG). And when I returned to 100%, I was able to resize the TexMaths window to its default size.


    Last edit: Roland Baudin 2021-05-01
    • Sreekar Guddeti

      Sreekar Guddeti - 2021-05-06

      Hi, I tried to reproduce the bug with your setup, but I could'nt.

      I also am not able to reproduce the bug after creating a new user-profile.
      With the older backed up user profile, I run into the following Error

      C:\Users\fubar\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\lu2375268klw3.tmp_\texmaths-0-48.oxt does not exist.

      Effect of app and text scaling

      While trying to investigate this error, I observed the dimensions for Tex Symbol pushbuttons in TexMathsEquations_GUI.xdl is defined

      <dlg:button dlg:id="Alphabets1" dlg:tab-index="115" dlg:left="3" dlg:top="17" dlg:width="18" dlg:height="18" dlg:page="3">

      So it is safe to assume that the physical dimensions are also at 18 px x 18 px.

      However, I have taken screenshots (attached below) and checked through Paint the actual dimensions at various app scaling factor and text-scaling factor are

      xml definition app scaling factor text scaling factor actual dimension effective scaling factor
      18 x18 100 100 34 x 34 ~2x
      18 x 18 150 (recommended) 100 (default) 52 x 52 ~3x
      18 x 18 150 (recommended) 125 (desired) 66 x 66 ~3.75x

      Expected behavior

      I was expecting the text scaling should not affect the button dimensions, but the behavior is contra-indicative. Also another peculiar thing is effective scaling at 100 % app and 100 % text scaling is 2x.


      Should not the scaling be 1x at 100 % app and 100 % text scaling?

      TexMath window runoff

      Now the TexMath window dimension is defined in the same configuration file as

      <!DOCTYPE dlg:window PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "dialog.dtd">
      <dlg:window xmlns:dlg="" xmlns:script="" dlg:id="TexMathsEquations_GUI" dlg:left="0" dlg:top="0" dlg:width="402" dlg:height="327" dlg:page="1" dlg:closeable="true" dlg:moveable="true" dlg:title="TexMaths Equations" dlg:withtitlebar="false">

      So the TexMaths window pixel dimensions are

      xml dimension factor @ app scaling , __ text scaling physical dimension
      402 x 327 3 @ 150, 100 (default) 1206 x 981
      402 x 327 3.75 @ 150, 125 (desired) 1507 x 1226

      This leads to window run off as my laptop physical resolution is 1920 x 1080.

      The TexMaths window was only too big with a text size of 175%

      As my laptop screen is 13.3', and due to my poor eyesight, I find 125 % text scaling with the Windows recommended 150 % app scaling comfortable. Maybe you are using larger screen size, in which case, text scaling leads to bigger text appearance and thereby is not be useful.


      To check if the text scaling affects LO as a whole. I set LO window to small dimension of 1544 x 688 instead of maximized mode and monitored the file 4/user/registrymodifications.xcu of user profile. The window size is not affected by a change of either app or text scaling or both.

      However if I check the same for the dialog windows like Extension Manager and Options, their behaviour mimicks that of TexMaths.

      However a different app like Git client on Windows behaves as expected by scaling only for app scaling factor and not text scaling factor.


      Window Scales with app scaling factor? Scales with text scaling factor?
      TexMaths Yes Yes
      Libre Office No No
      Extension Manager Yes Yes
      Options Yes Yes
      Git Bash on Windows Yes No

      So, from these observations, I could infer that text scaling affects dialog windows, which in principle, should not.

      • Roland Baudin

        Roland Baudin - 2021-05-09

        Thanks for the detailed report. To me, LO extensions behave the right way: it is normal that when increasing the UI font size, the UI button size also increases.

        And since the TexMaths dialog size is based on the UI button size, then it's also normal that the dialog size increases when the UI font size is increased...

        However, one could probably do a better job by limiting the TexMaths Dialog size to the screen size. This would be better than the actual behaviour.

  • Sreekar Guddeti

    Sreekar Guddeti - 2021-05-11

    However, one could probably do a better job by limiting the TexMaths Dialog size to the screen size. This would be better than the actual behaviour.

    Yes, such an implementation can solve the rollover issue. A dynamic scrollbar could allow access to the bottom buttons in the case of scaled up UI.

    I can try my hand if is OK with you. However I need to familiarize myself with XML way of GUI building and LO's design prinicples. I have little experience with pyqt.

    Could you suggest some links for starters? I will come up with an enhancement proposal later.

    Thank you :)

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