
#97 Window is so big that button can not be selected

window size (1)
Jose Rueda

I installed the new version of textmath in libreoffice 6.04 and I have a problem with the windows size. The size is so big that it do not fit into the screen so I can not click in the button to create the equation or change options.

1 Attachments


Bugs: #97


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  • Roland Baudin

    Roland Baudin - 2018-07-17

    You probably use a Wayland session, do you? LibreOffice is buggy on Wayland and you should switch to an Xorg session to use it with TexMaths.

  • anshul faye

    anshul faye - 2018-08-21

    I am not using Wayland session. This bug is there in Xorg session also. Ubuntu 18.04. Texmath v0.46.1. Liboffice v6.0.6.

  • Oon-Ee Ng

    Oon-Ee Ng - 2019-05-25

    I've experienced similar. Maximizing and then reducing the size of the window seems to fix it (sometimes). And it works better on my higher resolution main display (1920x1080) than my secondary monitor (1680x1050).

    Seems to have started from when the new buttons on top were added. Fortunately all I normally do is type in my formula and then Alt-L to compile the equation, but it can get annoying to change font size for example.

    • Roland Baudin

      Roland Baudin - 2019-05-26

      What are your system version, LibreOffice version and TexMaths version?

      • Oon-Ee Ng

        Oon-Ee Ng - 2019-05-27

        Arch Linux, Libreoffice 6.1.6, TexMaths, Texmaths 0.46.2

      • Jose Rueda

        Jose Rueda - 2019-05-27

        I am using libreoffice installed via ppa. Linux mint Cinnamon 19.1 (64bits) and texmaths 0.47.

        Now I see all buttons, no errors of 'BASIC run time'... and everything in the right size, either I choose SVG or PNG

        Thank you really much for your effort. For sure the best extension of LO, without it the program will be useless for the scintific comunity.

        • Roland Baudin

          Roland Baudin - 2019-05-27

          Nice to see it works now!
          Thanks for the feedback...

  • Roland Baudin

    Roland Baudin - 2019-05-27

    OK, so could you upgrade TexMaths to version 0.47 and test again with a fresh LibreOffice profile?
    And be careful to not use a Wayland session...


    Last edit: Roland Baudin 2019-05-27
    • Oon-Ee Ng

      Oon-Ee Ng - 2019-05-28

      Okay with 0.47 it works better, in that if the window is big enough all buttons show (rather than moving off-screen). If the window height is less than the height of top buttons + height of right buttons (see attachment) then things get cut off, no scroll bar or anything.

      • Roland Baudin

        Roland Baudin - 2019-05-28

        Just resize the TexMaths window and it will be OK.
        If this doesn't work, could you try again with a fresh LibreOffice profile?

  • Gabriel Faure

    Gabriel Faure - 2019-06-02

    I had the very same problem with TM 0.47 and LO under Mint-Xcfe 19.1, I had to go to a resolution of 3200X1800 to see all the buttons, and then all other apps and fonts are microscopic.
    Why not move the lower right 4 buttons to the uppser right, where there is a lot of empty space?
    How do I control the font size of the TM window (not the way it will look in Impress or Writer, but on the TexMaths window)? I couldn't find it in the preferences.

    • Roland Baudin

      Roland Baudin - 2019-06-02

      Could you send me a screenshot?
      Do you have an HiDPI monitor?
      What is the native (or your preferred) resolution of the monitor?


      Last edit: Roland Baudin 2019-06-02
  • Roland Baudin

    Roland Baudin - 2019-06-04

    To summarize this : if you have and HiDPI monitor, TexMaths should work as expected if your desktop supports HiDPI.

    In Linux, GNOME and KDE support HiDPI, but you have to adjust a scaling factor to get best results. XFCE does not support HiDPI but you can play with a custom dpi resolution and font size to adjust the TexMaths window and see all buttons.

  • elan braude

    elan braude - 2019-08-07

    i get the same problem. I'm using LibreOffice preinstalled on pop!_os 19.1 and texmaths 0.48. rsolution is 1366 X 768 (16:9).
    there is no option in the pop-up window to minimize or maximize (also not with the super butten). any advice?


    Last edit: elan braude 2019-08-07
    • Roland Baudin

      Roland Baudin - 2019-08-08

      Do you use a Wayland session? If yes, please switch to an Xorg session...

  • raul beron

    raul beron - 2019-09-02

    hello I also have the same problem with the big window about a year ago by email send the comments of this problem were resolved by means of a scroll opening but when updating again the problem arises and I don't know how to handle it I will add some screenshots and a report of my systemone of the screenshots will be redeemed the window but everything remains the same I hope you serve the data that I send you already thank you very much

  • John

    John - 2021-01-30

    So, this is a long-running issue, and I've been plagued by it for as long as this thread has existed. It's a weird one. That said, I was recently investigating a sizing issue in an application I was developing and this problem was seemingly resolved. So I thought I would share.

    I am using the KDE Plasma desktop (5.18.6). In System Settings -> Fonts I selected "Force font DPI". It was not selected, which seems to be the default setting. I selecting it using the default setting of 96 DPI. That required that I increase all the font sizes listed on that page to regain desktop readability. I increased each size by one pt.

    This sorted out the issue I was having with my app. I later thought to see if it affected the TexMaths windowing issue. When initially selected, the window was too big, as before, But after a right-click resize the window snapped to the correct size, and seems to have stayed that way, even after a system update/reboot.

    This may or may not be related to the HiDPI discussions above. In any event, it is something for the developers to look at, and maybe it will help some frustrated users.

    Update: It seems that this is simply a font-size thing, specifically related to the size of the font in System Settings -> Fonts -> "General" (in plasma). Increasing font size from 11pt to 12pt caused the window to roll off the bottom of the page again. Resizing does not resolve the issue in that case. The workaround for users with this problem would be to find the relevant workspace font and reduce its size. Perhaps this was already a known work-around? I don't recall having seen it mentioned.


    Last edit: John 2021-01-31
  • Roland Baudin

    Roland Baudin - 2021-03-14

    Ok, thanks for the tip. I leave the bug open to help other users...

  • Sreekar Guddeti

    Sreekar Guddeti - 2021-03-16
    App Version
    TexMaths 0.48
    LO Version: (x64)

    Build ID: dcf040e67528d9187c66b2379df5ea4407429775
    CPU threads: 4; OS: Windows 10.0 Build 21327; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: win
    Locale: en-IN (en_IN); UI: en-GB
    Calc: CL


    Issue : Window Roll over

    First of all thank you for the wonderful extension @baudinr. Till recently I was on v0.48, later I changed windows text settings from 100% to 125% for readability.

    This change did not cause any "window roll over" issue. However, today when I updated to v0.49, I experienced this issue. -- Observation 1

    Even with downgrading to v0.48, the issue persists which is strange (expecting it will reproduce Observation 1).

    As a result, I had to uninstall even v0.48 -- Action 1

    After various permutations and combinations of uninstalling, reinstalling, changing windows text settings (100 or 125%), I observed the following

    • Installation of v0.48 with text setting 100% is OK. Later changing text to 125% also OK.
    • Installation of v0.48 with text setting 125% Fails. Later changing text to 100% also Fails.

    So if I have to keep the text setting at 125% and update the extension to v0.49,

    • I need to first uninstall the extension v0.48
    • change the text setting to 100%
    • install v0.49
    • change the text setting to 125%
  • Roland Baudin

    Roland Baudin - 2021-03-16

    Could you post a screenshot of the problem, please ?

  • Sreekar Guddeti

    Sreekar Guddeti - 2021-03-27

    Starting with 100% text size

    I start with the state
    Text size at 100% and TexMaths extension installed.

    • I use Windows option "Make text bigger" at 125% [image1]

    • The window "TexMaths" v0.48 is within the screen bounds. As a result, there is no difficulty accessing the "LaTeX" button. [image2]

    • After setting the text to 100% [image3],

    • the window overflows out of the screen bounds, and the LaTeX button is not accessible! [image4]

    If I try to reduce the size of the pop up window, it gets reset to the original big window.

    • Now I uninstall the extension
    • Set the windows text option to 100% [image5]
    • Reinstall the extension [image6]
    • Pop window is within screen bounds [image7]
    • Now Set the windows text option to 125% [image8]
    • Pop window is within screen bounds [image9]
    • Now set the windows text option to 100%
    • Pop window is not within screen bounds, and LaTeX button is not accessible [image10]
    • Set the windows text option to 125% [image 11]
    • Pop window not accessible [image12]

    Starting with 125% text size

    • Now I uninstall the extension
    • Set the windows text to 125%
    • Reinstall the extension
    • "LaTeX" button not accessible [image13]
    • Roland Baudin

      Roland Baudin - 2021-03-28

      Thanks for the very detailed report and screenshots.
      However, I can't reproduce the bug. What is your screen resolution?
      And when the Texmaths window is too big, you can't resize the window?

      • elan braude

        elan braude - 2021-03-29

        Hey Roland,
        Thanks for your help but i've since moved to other editors and dont have
        the time to deal with this at the moment.
        Thanks again,

        On Sun, 28 Mar 2021 at 12:21, Roland Baudin

        Thanks for the very detailed report and screenshots.
        However, I can't reproduce the bug. What is your screen resolution?
        And when the Texmaths window is too big, you can't resize the window?

        Status: open
        Group: v1.0_(example)
        Labels: window size
        Created: Fri Jun 15, 2018 03:19 PM UTC by Jose Rueda
        Last Updated: Sat Mar 27, 2021 01:06 PM UTC
        Owner: nobody

        I installed the new version of textmath in libreoffice 6.04 and I have a
        problem with the windows size. The size is so big that it do not fit into
        the screen so I can not click in the button to create the equation or
        change options.

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        Bugs: #97

  • Sreekar Guddeti

    Sreekar Guddeti - 2021-03-28

    That is the least I could do for contributing such a useful extension :)

    My laptop screen resolution is 1920 x 1080.

    Even if I resize the window, it gets reset to the default size.


    Last edit: Sreekar Guddeti 2021-03-29
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