Hi all,
I'm proud to announce the release of the 1.8.1 version!

Several enhancements and some bug fixes, as described below.

But most importantly I spent a lot of time on the documentation side, rewriting the Wiki on trac-hacks almost completely, simplifying the contents, providing much more information on the latest features, better organizing the concepts in sections, uploading all new screenshots, and much more!

Please, let me know if you find the new documentation useful: http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/TestManagerForTracPlugin

Release details follow.

Release 1.8.1 (2014-01-06):

o Enhancement #10805 (Trac-Hacks): Remove empty sub catalogs from test plan

o Enhancement #11454 (Trac-Hacks): Test Plan hierarchy contains empty (unselected) catalogs

o Enhancement #11320 (Trac-Hacks): Baseurl in stats page doesn't use trac's configuration

o Enhancement #11357 (Trac-Hacks): Adding [testplan-tm_custom] custom=textarea causes exception during testplan loading

Now, all custom field types are supported!!!

     text, textarea, select, radio, checkbox

The syntax to be used in trac.ini is the same as for custom ticket fields:
see http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracTicketsCustomFields

The only [current] limitation is the lack of support for the "wiki" format.

o Enhancement #11451 (Track-Hacks): Default bug ticket name (related to test case) too long

It is now possible to customize the summary for new tickets created from
failing test cases.

In the [testmanager] section of the trac.ini file, you can specify:

    ticket_summary_option: How to generate the ticket summary. Options are:

            the default behavior. The summary will contain a complete path 
            in the catalogs tree, with the names of the catalogs from the root 
            to the failing test case.

            only the last specified number of catalogs in the path will
            be used to form the summary.

            The number of catalogs to use must be specified using the
            'ticket_summary_num_catalogs' property.

            the generated summary will be empty.

            the specified text will be used as the ticket summary.
            The text to be used must be specified using the
            'ticket_summary_text' property.

        ticket_summary_separator: The string to be used to separate catalog names
            in the generated summary.

        Two sample configurations follow:

            ticket_summary_option = fixed_text
            ticket_summary_text = Failed test case:

            ticket_summary_option = last_n_catalogs
            ticket_summary_num_catalogs = 2
            ticket_summary_separator = ->

o Enhancement #11462 (Trac-Hacks): List "Root Catalogs".

            The XML-RPC interface has now an additional method to list the root-level catalogs.

            Refer to the rpc_example.py file shipped with the plugin for usage information.

o Fixed Ticket #11449 (Track-Hacks): Special characters (like #) removed from the test case name

o Fixed Ticket #11450 (Track-Hacks): Test case name length limit cannot be changed