
Test Farm / News: Recent posts

testfarm 0.9 released : with some new features

10 july 2006

* clients does not "push" the server or html updates anymore. now a server process is checking for changes in log files and update htmls.
* bugfix: all plots went to the same client. (still not working totally well)
* bugfix: now INFO can receive any string even python objects.
* bugfix: idle message now appears only at current day, not all days
* api change in the Task class: add_checking -> set_check because only one check is allowed.
* Ctrl+C in the client causes a gently stop of the task.
* eye candy: client scripts can add project and client logos to the html, as well as other info
* automatic "purge" of long info in the log files.
* bugfix: ploticus now accept keys with spaces (not thoroughly tested). thanks Jordi Vilalta for his patch! ... read more

Posted by Mohamed Sordo 2006-07-20

released 0.8, with a new client script and improved design

* new client script, easier for the user and more consistent.
* internal design refactorings. (repository->project, put out the execution responsability from the client class, etc.)
* html will show different kinds of tasks (i.e. "quick update", "clean checkout", "export snapshots to the web", etc.)
* nice html ala tinderbox

Posted by Mohamed Sordo 2006-05-09

testfarm 0.7.2 released: bug fixes

May 4th 2006

This release contains a lot bug-fixes. And some minor new feature like :
- separate executions by days (in the index page)
- show the command "in progress"

complete changelog in the wiki:

Because it's a minor release, the tarballs are not in sourceforge "Files" but can be found in the "Home page": read more

Posted by parumi 2006-05-05

testfarm 0.7 released: now with statistics diagrams!

version 0.7
7 april 06

* statistics diagrams. (using ploticus)
o very much needed for efficiency testing in clam
* better time information in the (html) boxes
* automatic purge of log files (result in much better

static web page:


Posted by parumi 2006-04-07

First public release (0.6) and new home page

testfarm-0.6 is the first public release.

check our our home page for working examples, and
maybe more uptodate releases.



Posted by parumi 2006-03-29