
Missing repetitive trigger <Binding> ????

  • Joseph

    Joseph - 2007-08-22

    Applying the imported XSD and WSDL files results in the error message: "Missing repetitive trigger '<Binding>' of type 'Common/Data Types/Text'"

    After reviewing the Tersus WebServices examples, it appears that the uniform structure is as follows:

    The <xxx>.soap service collects several required elements and passes them to an embedded <xxx>.call service. That <xxx>.call service includes a repetitive, non-mandatory <Binding> trigger of type 'Common/Data Types/Text'.

    When I imported the cybersource WSDL and XSD files, Tersus created a service called runTransaction.soap that contains a service called in turn includes the <Binding> trigger of type 'Common/Data Types/Text'.

    Why then am I getting the error message "Missing repetitive trigger '<Binding>' of type 'Common/Data Types/Text'" when I try to save this project, whereas I am not getting a corresponding error message when saving the example projects?

    The presence of the <Binding> trigger in <xxx>.call services appears to satisfy Tersus when the example projects are saved, yet Tersus complains when the corresponding cybersource project is saved?

    Any ideas?

    • Joseph

      Joseph - 2007-08-22

      Disregard this message. Strangely, after I wrote this message and closed down and restarted Tersus, I am no longer getting the reported error message.



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