
Terracotta - Web CMS / News: Recent posts

0.6 Available on BETA

0.6 has been released on BETA after two months of serious development, do download and give it a go and I am sure it has been worth your wait.

What's Missing:

1. Auto Upgrade from previous versions
2. JavaScript client end verifications

Posted by Devraj Mukherjee 2002-12-12

0.6 to go on BETA next week

0.6 development can be tracked on

Expected to be released on BETA next week

Posted by Devraj Mukherjee 2002-12-04

0.6 Final SPECS announced

Terracotta 0.6 Personal Edition SPECS

Author: Devraj MUKHERJEE (
Created On: 12th October 2002

Copyright (c) 2002 The Terracotta Project and Eternity Technologies

Any questions and/or suggestions should be posted to the developers
list serve at

The Terracotta Project Personal Edition publishes all source code under
the GNU/GPL and they come with no garuntee what so ever. Use of the
product on your web site is at your own risk.... read more

Posted by Devraj Mukherjee 2002-12-04

0.5 Released and Language Packs Released

0.5 Final has been released with Language Packs. Currently available langauges are English (US) and Spanish

Posted by Devraj Mukherjee 2002-09-04

Terracotta 0.5 on BETA1

Download and test now and send your feedback to

Posted by Devraj Mukherjee 2002-07-16

Need for Terracotta Docmentation Project

There is a great need for starting a documentation project. If you are interested please email Samar Zutshi at szutshi at

Posted by Devraj Mukherjee 2002-07-10

Terracotta 0.5 TODO and News Updates

Please update yourself with the Terracotta 0.5 news and TODO at

Posted by Devraj Mukherjee 2002-07-10

Terracotta 0.4.2 Released

This is to announce the release of Terracotta 0.4.2 It features

Automatic Thumbnail generation for image galleries

The caption of the images used as ALT text for thumbnails of the image galleries

This upgrade is only necessary if you want to use the above features. Thank you all for downloading and using Terracotta.

Posted by Devraj Mukherjee 2002-06-24

Terracotta 0.4.1 Final

A PHP Based Document, Picture, Article, Photo, Clipart, Link Gallery management product, which is extemely customizable. Allows you to just upload files using a web based management interface and produces a human navigateable interface for your end users.

A revised version of Terracotta has been put up incorporating Micorosoft IIS/PHP support. Please view change Log for more information.

Some user interface enchancements have been made as well. ... read more

Posted by Devraj Mukherjee 2002-06-14

Calling ASP developers

If there are any entusiastic ASP developers who would like to rewrite Terracotta in VBScript or JScript then I am sure there is a wide need for it.

I will be glad to help you as much as I can. Much that I would like to write the code myself, I donot seem to have the time.

Devraj MUKHERJEE (dm at

Posted by Devraj Mukherjee 2002-06-14

0.4 available on BETA

Bug Fixes

When menu items are displayed the font colours are not read out of the configuration file (Reported by Devraj Mukherjee on 4th June 2002, FIXED)

Problems with delete function for Windows Servers (FIXED for the next release) If you are running a Windows Server and implementing Terracotta, then please wait for a few days to download this upgrade.

Problems while logging in, when browsing sub directories or articles (Reported by Devraj Mukherjee on 8th June 2002, FIXED)... read more

Posted by Devraj Mukherjee 2002-06-10