
Tellmatic test release available

an inofficial test release is available at

download is valid for a few days only, then it may disappear

have fun and thx for feedback.
if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

aka vizzy

changes, not dcumented yet in update instructions/changes file etc: rc-1

* hosts: add optional delay/pause between two mails when sending out newsletter
ALTER TABLE `hosts` ADD `delay` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '100000' AFTER `reply_to` ;
* TM license changed to GPL/AGPL! /
* q: prepare db for touch optin option:
ALTER TABLE `nl_q` ADD `touch` TINYINT NOT NULL AFTER `autogen` ;
ALTER TABLE `nl_q` ADD INDEX ( `touch` ) ;
coming soon...
* wysiwyg: add tellmatic menu for inserting variables like {DATE} etc. with a mouseclick
* send_it: add new mail header: List-Unsubscribe: <http://......../unsubscribe.php?>
* nl: new var, {SUBJECT} replaced by subject via parse_Subject()
* nl:parse group {GROUP} (shows public group references for adr record)
* show last xx loglines, tail function! (admin only) new function mtail(), reove tellmatic_php_error.log after updating to 1090 :)
* install/main: ini get check for allow url fopen, install fails if disabled, allow_url_fopen must be activeated for tellmatic since 1090rc!!!!
* form: select smtp host, ggf fallback oder abbruch! wenn nicht existent, fallback ist standardhost! wenn smtp_host_id=0 SQL: ALTER TABLE `frm` ADD `host_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'SMTP Host ID' AFTER `nl_id_update` ; * send emails for doptin, greeting, update!: - forms/sub: select nl for optin, greeting, update: nl must be active and template and personalized!
* save greeting, double optin and update message in form, displayed after new subscription with/without doptin and/or update
ALTER TABLE `frm` ADD `message_doptin` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL AFTER `nl_id_update`;
ALTER TABLE `frm` ADD `message_greeting` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL AFTER `message_doptin`;
ALTER TABLE `frm` ADD `message_update` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL AFTER `message_greeting` ;
* no more form_[id]_s/o/os needed, coinfgure valid double optin mail, greeting mai land update mai lin form!!!11!!!11eleven!elf1
UPDATE all forms first! and test it!!!
* show success, show greeting, show update and confirmation using Form_[id]_success.html
* success, update and double optin message now comes from db! as configured in the form! no more template, no more needed here for subscribe
Form_[id]_success.html is used to display form messages after subscription, doptin or confirmation!
ALTER TABLE `frm` ADD `nl_id_doptin` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `multiple_pubgroup`;
ALTER TABLE `frm` ADD `nl_id_greeting` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `nl_id_doptin`;
ALTER TABLE `frm` ADD `nl_id_update` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `nl_id_greeting`;
* set std form, if use touch optin or no form id is defined, check and use default form.
ALTER TABLE `frm` ADD `standard` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL AFTER `siteid` ;
ALTER TABLE `frm` ADD INDEX ( `standard` ) ;
* forms: install: add nl update, doptin, greeting, set std form
* Form messages parsen!!! use parse subj from newsletter class!
* proofing, db preparation, class update:
ALTER TABLE `adr` ADD INDEX ( `proof` ) ;
new qualitycheck feature coming soon!
* Disclaimer. I am NOT responsible for misuse of tellmatic by some stupid spammers. e.g. and such a shit!
* nl: parse subject! etc in send_it, subscribe, unsubscribe mit nl, etc! ueberall da wo parsenl auch benutzt wird..., new method! view.php too!
* forms/sub: pgroup, multiple or only one!
SQL: new field: multiple_pubgroup
ALTER TABLE `frm` ADD `multiple_pubgroup` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'allow multiple public groups' AFTER `overwrite_pubgroup` ;
//add backwards compatibility for existing forms:
UPDATE frm set multiple_pubgroup=1;
* Restart finished Q's with failed and skipped/canceled records. (set status 1 to nl_h where status = 4|6 failed/canceled and q_id=, set q to status 1 (new))
* PHPIDS (testing, weird stuff... seems we have to exclude almost all vars... erm, doesnt this make use of phpids almost useless?)
* disable zend1 compat mode!!! PHP 5.3!
*_list: first attempt of use the new PHP5 object model ...fix for PHP5: tmObjCopy() should return an Object Copy depending on PHP Version. done: fixed for $mStdURL, send_it.php: email_obj/message. any more?
* DEBUG: debug language/translations: DEBUG_LANG,TRUE , DEBUG_LANG_LEVEL, 1|2|3 marks words, shows list or both CHANGES
* debug messages "if (DEBUG)" use tm_debugmessage to format and display. * nl, nl subj, forms: parse tm version vars: TM_APPNAME, TM_VERSION,TM_APPDESC,TM_APPURL,TM_APPTEXT
* wysiwyg: use external toolbar
* show new link syntax with optional parameter in nl-variable legend
* nl_form: legende is now own file
* tm_lib: define TM_PHP_LOGFILE
* class_adr: now filters for form id AND adr id
* only needed now to set up messages for unsubscribe.
will be changed, messages from unsub willcome from db. still 2do
* fopen, ... allow_url_fopen:
* subcribe: wenn frm descr empty, dann nihct anzeigen
* q_list: link zu adr in gruppen bei klick auf gruppenname, adr_list&adr_grp_id
* nl_form_legende shows new link syntax with optional parameter
* logout link at top of menu
* use E_STRICT * PHP>=5.3: split is outdated! use preg_split or explode instead * q-list: now shows status more detailed, also skipped adr etc are counted
* TM_VERSION etc: are now constants, replace vars with constants! see
* adr_list: mark unsubscribed adr in different color
* *_legend: add \n to beautify html source output
* typo: corrected typo: Poruguese vs. Portuguese

* 3121248 Invalid From-Address
$from addess in bouncemanagement not set if email is invalid, e.g. Mailer Daemon etc
* 3114589 GeoIP
error where geoip can not determine ip of user
* 3114571 Vermeiden von unnötigem Output in den Errorlogs fix some warnings
* 3114550 Special Chars in Statistics, converted to HTML Entities
add new parameter to ___() function, if 0, do not use display() function in return value add new param 0 to and use display where status is printed out
* errno:8 | errtype:Notice errmsg:"ob_flush(): failed to flush buffer. No buffer to flush." errfile:include/send_it.php errline:78
* 3106176 Missing initialization of $_MAIN_DESCR
* 3106166 Missing initialization of $search_log should be fixed, gives a warning if no obj index is defined errmsg:"Undefined index: object";
errfile: include/
* 3106156
form_list, in mouseover werden keine gruppen mehr angezeigt, weird!!! OK, public_frm_ref in group wurde gegen frm_id gecheckt statt public flag in frm_ref
* 3106156 Wrong database query for (non-)public groups of forms
BUG: forms: form_form: pubgroups werden nihct markiert, stattdessen werden die globalen gruppenlinks markiert? hä? OK, public_frm_ref in group wurde gegen frm_id gecheckt statt public flag in frm_ref
* 3106138 Blindimage description, not really a bug. alt text is now parsed subject
* 3106130 Date not inserted in unsubscribe notifications
* 3106121 Missing notification mail address in subscribe notifications
* 3106111 Wrong activation link for double opt-in
subscribe rewritten,now uses newsletters for notification mails
* nl views/clicks was not reset to 0 if nl was copied! nl with currently 0 views in nl_h will show old values from copied newsletter.
* mit jeder mail wird neuer connect aufgebaut trotz bulkmail=1, liegt an neuem object, stattdessen bulkmail und replace part von mailklasse nutzen!!! kein neues object erzeugen. das liegt daran da das obj. fuer mail jedesmal neu instanziert wird statt altes zu nutzen und zu resetten und neuen body, neuen header zu nehmen.
* send_it: finally fixed bug where blacklisted adr gets marked errorness and failed. Use status 'canceled' instead

Posted by vizzy 2010-12-09

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