
Tellmatic 1.0.7 available

The new version is available at

In short:
Tellmatic 1.0.7 contains tons of bugfixes, optimizations, new features, massive code cleanup, important security fixes, speed and perfomance optimizations etc.

more Details:

Fixed bugs:
- send_it.php: trys to send mail even if entry is already processed, (not critical), fixed
- wysiwyg: missing file plugins/contextmenu/langs/XX.js, wysiwyg won't start if language file was missing, (not critical), fixed
- subscribe.php:
typo: $SUBSCRIBE_URL=$mnl_URL."/subscribe.php?doptin=1&email=".$email."&fid=".$frm_id."&c=".$code;
should be: $SUBSCRIBE_URL=$mnl_URL_FE."/subscribe.php?doptin=1&email=".$email."&fid=".$frm_id."&c=".$code;
, fixed
- serverinfo: used get_cfg_var, now use ini_get() instead, (not critical), fixed
- click on a newsletter name to edit does not throw a warning, now it does, (not critical), fixed

Changes, new features and enhancements:

- installation splitted into single steps
- userflag: manager, you must be a 'manager' to use bouncemanagement and database clean up
- multiuser: add/edit/delete tellmatic authors
- html code and default style is 100% valid html and 100% valid css code
- index.php in installation directopry contains an example how to use the subscription and unsubscrtiption form
- configure hard coded messages not using gettext for unsubscribe and subscribe, to change: open and edit
all other messages for forms are configured in the form and saved in database!
- name field for 'email' added to forms
- added free definable errormessages in forms (for email, captcha, f0-9)
- added regexpression fields for forms to let you check the input, e.g.: "^[A-Za-z_ ][A-Za-z0-9_ ]*$"
- more icons :)
- added delete flag for addresses
- added LastInserID to DB Class, now inserting an entry does not require to read the inserted entry to add details (addresses)
- internal address checking nw uses exact match for email, speeds up double checking by 1000%!
- add a Q: now uses offset and limit to insert the queue entries, works well with only 8MB now.
- $mnl and all variables, constants named mnl are renamed to use unique tm_
- changed some Class names
mMail: tm_Mail
mBounce: tm_Bounce
connectDB: tm_DB
mnlCFG(); tm_CFG
mnlNL(); tm_NL
mnlQ(); tm_Q
mnlAdr(); tm_ADR
mnlFRM(); tm_FRM
mSimpleForm: tm_SimpleForm
mURL: tm_Url nur in index
mTemplate: tm_Template
- checking emails now returns the exact reason why it has failed! (syntax, mx, dns, validation etc)
- import: saves a logfile instead of showing the messages
- setting default siteid to 'tellmatic'
- import: disable checking for existing entries
- newsletter and address status have colors now.
- security checks e.g.: and more
- handle evil magic quotes correctly: see
- all queries uses mysql_real_escape_string(): function dbesc($val) { return mysql_real_escape_string($val); }
- added a login page, login is using return-include
- use session logins
- all .inc files renamed to .inc.php
- becomes
- --> and
- tinymce_il.php moved to /include
- passwords are saved as a md5 hash of siteid, username and password md5(siteid,name,password)
- added function tm_icon() to show icons, generates unique img src, using alt, title and id
- added function display() to show output text in browser (wrapper for htmlentities() and stuff)
- templates for layouts are now saved in different directories, each for one stylesheet. (see /tpl)
- styesheets renamed to tellmatic*.css
- GeoIP support: added geographical map for readers and subscribers etc (ip is saved on click, view or subscription) / LGPL
- import: added limit and offset
- export: added limit and offset
- export: select file, overwrite or append to existing file
- graphical statistics, barcharts for summary and details for addresses, groups, newsletter, queue, etc.
using libchart - GPL!!!
- somewhat optimized sql
- added indexes to db
- classes use only 1 or max 2 dbconnections at a time
- splitted status/summary and top list
- added menuentry 'manage' for bouncemanagement and db cleanup
- added menuentry for phpinfo()
- added menuentry for credits/donate etc
- new directory /files/reports to store reports and maps and charts
- added memo to addresses, will be updated manually, saves memos on subscription, updated by import+update etc
- new ARR=Array();ARR[ ][ ] becomes ARR=Array(Array(...))
- Class tm_ADR: getAdr with no details (saves a lot of memory)
- js validator:
- if user password changes, a new .htpasswd file is generated in /include
- added spellchecker for wysiwyg
- export: get available memory and export with limit and offset, now exporting 100 of thousands addresses is no more problem

The list is not complete.

Posted by vizzy 2007-11-16

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