
#23 Create tei.glossy class

Lou Burnard

Section 6.3.4 of TEI P4 introduces three elements which
don't seem to have much in common, except that they
are often typographically distinguished in running text.
They are <term>, <gloss>, and <mentioned>.

Leaving aside the last of these, which I think really
ought to be discussed along with its oft-confused friend
<soCalled>, I would like to propose (for P5) a more
rational way of grouping together <term> and <gloss>
and a small number of other similar phrase level
elements. My proposal is to establish a new club for
them and a few select others, tentatively called the
tei.glossy class. The core module would populate this
class with <term>, <gloss> and the following other

<desc> -- currently defined in both the new "gaiji"
module which replaces the old WSD, and the new tagdoc
module which replaces the old TSD
<equiv> and <altIdent> -- also defined in the new
tagdoc module
<trans> -- defined in the dictionary module

Making these elements all available in the core would
(a) make life a lot easier when trying to build schemas --
you wouldn't have to load the dictionary module just to
record that a phrase is a translation rather than original
(b) reduce the clutter of near synonyms in the
Guidelines -- you wouldn't be tempted to make up your
own "translated" element

Putting them into a class would
(a) make clearer the conceptual structure of the
(b) enable you to add your own near synonym if you
really want to!

As this is a proposal for P5, I'm posting this as a source-
forge feature request as well as to TEI-L. Feel free to
send your comments to whichever forum you feel more
comfortable with...



  • Sebastian Rahtz

    Sebastian Rahtz - 2004-09-20

    Logged In: YES

    It does not really work as a class, becase
    there is effectively nowhere to use such a class.

    Instead, P5 now implements something similar
    as a pattern called


    which expands to

    <rng:optional><rng:ref name="altIdent"/></rng:optional>
    <rng:zeroOrMore><rng:ref name="equiv"/></rng:zeroOrMore>
    <rng:optional><rng:ref name="gloss"/></rng:optional>
    <rng:optional><rng:ref name="desc"/></rng:optional>

  • Sebastian Rahtz

    Sebastian Rahtz - 2004-09-20
    • assigned_to: nobody --> rahtz
  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2004-09-22
    • status: open --> closed