
#148 @ed should be provided by a class


The elements <cb/>, <lb/>, <milestone/> <pb/> and <refState/> all have a manually added @ed attribute. It seems to me that it would be simpler to provide this by membership in a class. The only reason for it not being provided as an attribute class that I can see is that their definitions are all slightly different. They are:

cb: "(edition) indicates the edition or version in which the column break is located at this point"
lb: "(edition) indicates the edition or version in which the line break is located at this point"
milestone: "(edition) indicates the edition or version to which the milestone applies."
pb: "(edition) indicates the edition or version in which the page break is located at this point"
refState: "(edition) indicates which edition or version the milestone applies to."

My point is that if @ed had a definition of "(edition) indicates the edition or version to which the element applies" (or similar) then I think it could be provided by a class and thus be much cleaner.

(note also that in their definitions, milestone/@ed and refState/@ed end with a full-stop and none of the other ones do...)

Just something I noticed and so submit for consideration.



  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2009-01-14
    • milestone: --> GREEN
  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2009-01-19

    Implemented att.sourced class, at revision 5442

  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2009-01-19
    • status: open --> closed