
#563 inconsistent encoding of citations to sources of examples


In section #ND-org, the example beginning "The TEI institutional hosts are:" contains an XML comment giving the source of the example. However, this should be encoded using egXML@source as in others.

Syd has done some preliminary searching and found 365 XML comments inside egXML that aren't simply

<!-- ... -->

These need investigating.

Syd also noted that we've used ellipses inconsistently as well. Perhaps worth normalizing these while we're at it.


  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2013-04-29

    Until Syd shares his list, either here or (better) on the council list it's impossible to proceed with this ! Looking at the single example cited however, I suspect we'd do better to replace this example by one a bit less narcissistic (and outdated) anyway, so I'm leaving this ticket open till someone finds one.

  • Kevin Hawkins

    Kevin Hawkins - 2013-04-30

    Syd used some sort of XPath search across the Guidelines. Since the number of these might change before the ticket is implemented, I suggest we leave it as an exercise for the reader to write their own XPath for searching when the time comes. Or Syd might be implored to find the code he used and post it here.

    In Providence we decided in the course of implementing that Paul would remove the list of TEI institutional hosts. See . So replacing that list will be implemented elsewhere and shouldn't hold up implementation of this ticket.

  • Martin Holmes

    Martin Holmes - 2013-04-30

    By my calculations, there are:

    339 <egXML>s that contain comments:


    10 comments in <egXML>s that don't consist of "...":

     //comment()[ancestor::*:egXML][not(normalize-space(.) = '...')]

    All of them appear to be in the Gentle Introduction, and they consist of:

    more poems go here
    anthology markup elements here
    anthology markup elements here
    SVG markup elements here
    more anthology markup elements here
    anthology markup elements here
    SVG markup elements here
    more anthology markup elements here
    anthology markup elements here
    SVG markup elements here
  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2013-04-30

    So can we close this ticket? (Tho it's a bit odd that you didnt spot the one in #ND-org which is still there)

  • Martin Holmes

    Martin Holmes - 2013-04-30

    Sorry, I missed lots of them, for some reason. I just ran the same XPath again, and I get 400 items that aren't just ellipses. Don't know what happened the first time -- it seemed to stop processing at the Gentle Intro.

    If you run this on guidelines-en.xml, you'll find 400:

     //comment()[ancestor::*:egXML][not(normalize-space(.) = '...')]

    At a quick skim through, they all look helpfully explanatory. Some have square brackets and some don't -- we could normalize that.

  • Martin Holmes

    Martin Holmes - 2013-04-30


     //comment()[ancestor::*:egXML][normalize-space(.) = '...']

    gets me 364 comments which (when normalized) are <!--...-->.


    Last edit: Martin Holmes 2013-04-30
  • Kevin Hawkins

    Kevin Hawkins - 2013-04-30

    The ticket was meant to be about resolving the 300-odd cases of this in the Guidelines; the one in #ND-org was simply given as an example. So I would like the ticket to remain open until that happens.

  • James Cummings

    James Cummings - 2013-11-19
    • assigned_to: Paul Schaffner
    • Priority: 5 --> 1(low)
  • James Cummings

    James Cummings - 2013-11-19

    At Oxford 2013-11 face-to-face: BB, EM, and PS to work on the ticket by mid-February 2014.

  • Elli Mylonas

    Elli Mylonas - 2014-05-30

    I just searched again in Oxygen and found 82 non-ellipsis containing comments in egXML elements. of these only 3 are citations, and they are URLs - 1 in msItem.xml and 2 in filiation.xml .

    Some others may be to parts of the guidelines, and can be checked. the rest seem to be comments about the example. "within ms description" for ex.

    5 are in Japanese.