
#38 Scanned on C, crashed


I've been using TDT, and it's a great tool, very handy indeed.

I've come across a problem though, that I thought I should mention. I accidentally (and very stupidly) ran TDT on my C drive, and it did something, I'm not sure what exactly (perhaps something to do with file name truncation?), which resulted in a crash of TDT and several windows error messages about windows files being modified, requiring me to stick in my windows disk and download a windows update to fix.

It was my stupid mistake, but perhaps some safety check could be installed to prevent it running on the operating system hard drive, or maybe preventing it accessing the windows folder.

Also, the fact that it automatically begins a scan when it runs has prevented me from being able to stop the problem reoccurring. I've tried reinstalling and it still scans on start up and produces an error.

It not giving me the windows error anymore, as it must be crashing before it gets there. Because of this, I don't know what update to download for windows, nor can I use TDT.

Any help would be great. Keep up the great work.



  • jatoo

    jatoo - 2007-06-10

    crash report

  • jatoo

    jatoo - 2007-06-10

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Quick update,
    I went into the programs folder and changed the config file to get it to scan my iRiver's drive rather than C.


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