
#224 4.9

John E.
4.9 (1)

Please add a release for gcc 4.9.

Thanks very much for your continued support of gcc on windows, you've been providing the simplest and best gcc package for years, and it is greatly appreciated.


  • Destructavator

    Destructavator - 2014-06-18

    I'll second this. I've been using various versions of MinGW for years for my own projects, and the TDM variants, both 32 and 64 bits, are easily the easiest to set up and use, they contain enough of the features I need for what I do, and are what I would strongly recommend for various purposes - especially for beginner or novice users who want to get started with MinGW quickly and don't want to go through some of the confusion (and in some cases, pain) of setting up some of the other packages. The TDM packages are what I really stand behind, perhaps the only MinGW packages I would point to as being the "official" supported and recommended compilers for my own projects on SF and otherwise.

    That being said, I have to also say that I've noticed with a slight bit of disappointment as the TDM variants have been lagging behind for a while now, without any new releases for some time, while in the meantime other packages have been kept more up-to-date. At the very least this is making it more difficult to stand behind this project and recommend it.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm only a programmer / developer on the side, I have a day-job career that takes up most of my time primarily and isn't even an IT or computer-related career at that, and I know and understand all too well about what it is like to get busy with other things and move slowly on open-source computer projects, but this project is really aching for a new release, it has really been dragging while other packages have been updated, and it would really be nice to have something new put out, even if it happens to be an unstable test release for people to try. (And if such is the case, I would be willing to test-drive it and provide feedback to help make a final release.) Yes, I know that spare time is rare these days ("Killing time" is now a joke, given that in this day and age time is more like an endangered species...), I'm well aware of how things have changed (I'm a bit old now, I still remember the pre-Internet days, the 1980s, etc. when things moved a LOT slower), but this project really does deserve an updated release of some kind.

    As I said, if all that you have at the moment is an unstable build, by all means email me on the SF system and I'll help you test it and help it get to an official, stable build faster, or better yet post something on the project website asking for testers, I'm sure others would also jump in. I don't mind making the time to help with something like this.

    (BTW, Sorry for being long-winded.)

  • John E.

    John E. - 2014-06-18

    Hi D. (and everyone else),

    It's very encouraging that you find TDM-GCC useful.

    Some time before uploading the most recent TDM-GCC release, I posted an explanation on the TDM-GCC website for the long amount of time between releases. (It was approximately 18 months.)

    The contents of said explanation have now been removed. Perhaps I'll post it again some time. I'll summarize it for you:

    With every new TDM-GCC release, divergence makes me devote an increasing amount of time to produce the same level of quality I desire to maintain.

    The compiler is a core component of the development system! As a software developer using a compiler, I would hate to re-integrate a new compiler version any more often than once a year. For example, the most recent long-term-support version of Ubuntu Linux integrates GCC 4.8.2. Looks like I'll be using GCC 4.8.2 at my place of employment for the next 4 years. (And have no problem with that whatsoever.)

    For the last few releases, I have chosen to allot my time such that TDM-GCC tracks the .1 release of every GCC branch (4.6.1, 4.7.1, 4.8.1) and goes about 1 year between releases. Not fast enough for you? Tough. Many software projects release a lot less often.

    Your support and understanding is greatly appreciated. 4.9.1 is coming!

    -John E. / TDM


    Last edit: John E. 2014-06-18
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-07-04

    thank you so much

  • Yumeyao

    Yumeyao - 2014-12-05

    Hi. Is there any possibility that you upgrade to 4.9 soon?

    One significant improvement in 4.9 series is finally we get rid of (sub esp, xxx; mov [esp+yyy], zzz) pairs and now it's back to (push zzz) for Intel x86 platform.

    Now 4.9.2 is out and more than 1 year passed since latest release (4.8.1). It should be a good time to have an update.


  • John E.

    John E. - 2014-12-19
    • status: open --> closed
  • John E.

    John E. - 2014-12-19

    Fixed. :)



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