
Tourist Camping Tycoon / News: Recent posts

New jIsoEngine & TCT TikiWiki website!

Tourist Camping Tycoon and jIsoEngine new tikiwiki website has been opened!

Here you can find the new documentations and content system with articles, tutorials and guides.

Come to the community and help growing it!

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2005-03-06

TCT + jIsoEngine 0.1.1 released

This is the first update of the game engine (oh oh, just after one day!)!
Is an update focused on major bugfixes and code optimization.
It has some new features too, check them out!
I have resolved a major bugfix with the pause code too that maked me
work all the day with 2fps..

You can find all the history informations in the
documents section!

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2005-02-21

TCT and TCT with SDK released!

Finally Tourist Camping Tycoon and jIsoEngine has been released!

It passed about a year from the start of this project and, after
rewriting it about 3 times, I can finally relase the 0.1 version!

This version could not do much but can show you how powerful can
be jIsoEngine even if it's at his early stages.

The sdk isn't much, you can try to create your own map with your
images has backtiles if you want.... read more

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2005-02-20

Released website on

Right now TCT and jIsoEngine still have an home!

Yes is it on and this will be the much more updated
than the others websites.<br>
On the new website you can find informations about,
Tourist Camping Tycoon game and jIsoEngine, with detailed informations about the development.

TCT and jIsoEngine package will be release before the end of this week after a small compatibilty test on other operating system!... read more

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2005-02-20

22 November 2004 - General TCT Update

It's been quite a long time that I'm not working on this projects since I had some really BIG bugs in the code and the app wasn't stable anymore.

The last weekend I have done a big update to all the code. I have done a complete rewrite of the code and I have made many bugfixes.

Right now the app is stable again, and I have worked on the possibility to create roads (the autoroads connections is about to be completed), fences and tend places.
Other informations could be find on the history.txt file.... read more

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2004-11-22

7 september 2004 - General Update

Hi there,

mabye somebody would like to know how is the game coming up..
This summer I had lot's of problems with work, I just started working in a new office right now and the time that I can dedicate to tct should grow..

Anyway the progress of the game is stopped. I really decided to do it since I need to rewrite all the code. It was a test code and it was getting a little bit worse..

I will post the new desing document in next days, hope this will be a stable one.. ;)... read more

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2004-09-07

26 July 2004 - General update to the project!

This is more information update.
The project it still alive (checking Sf doesn't look so but anyway the work is in progress).
Check the history file to have more informations...

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2004-07-26

25 June 2004 - Information about the development

Hi, mabye some if you would like to know what I am currently doing. Right now I am rewriting all the code from the TCT Applet to a java standalone.

This will let me to manage all the game faces and this will let me to create thing such as splash screens, menues, fullscreen mode, save, load and other implementations...

Anyway the graphic standard is almost ready, I can only tell you that the tiles will be stored in 64x32 and about the GUI will be changed.
More news before the end of month..... read more

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2004-06-25

20 June 2004 - Mark Leppen will lean us his graphics!

New graphics are coming for TCT!
Mark H.J.W. Leppen (know as Purno) will let us use his graphic tiles for the TCT project. For screenshots of some of his tiles (right now grass tile and a road tile) check out the gallery page!

I have also added to the development page some copyright notices and the history of the game development!

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2004-06-21

19 June 2004 - New Website Online &amp; First Screenshot


The new TCT website is online, unlucky I didn't use the since I can't get in with SSL, need to know more about it but since right now isn't really necessary I will put it away as a new task..

Anyway the website is up and what more....A Screeshot! The first ever & official!

eheh, isn't really a big work but I did it ;-) This screenshot show the simpliest feature that I have implemented. In the version before I had a road-costruction algorythm but right now I have rewrited the code and it looks MUCH better :P... read more

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2004-06-19

16 June 2004 - Code development

Hi everybody,

here's the latest information on what I'm currently working on. The first release of the game seems a little bit far right now, but the screenshots will start coming in next times.

TCT development status right now is:

- Draw Tiles : The draw tiles method is doing fine, I will implement the tile map (right now on an array, bah..) and the double layered graphic in next weeks. Anyway the standard tiles class is about to be completed.... read more

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2004-06-16

15 June 2004 - TCT get's alive

Hi there,

Today I have opened the TCT sourceforge project page, as you can see you can't find the release right now, this will be released in next times since before I need to work on many tasks.
Hopefully I will open the TCT website in next days and I will try to take out the website tasks (PHP and applet run).

Mabye it will pass some time before it could be possible to download the project since the game engine is almost completed but all the gameplay is still to make.... read more

Posted by Rasael Bervini Monkow 2004-06-15