
#1 rpcvar direct conversion


When I did my XMLRPC server for Komodo (integrating
the tclpro debugger) I glanced only at 'rpcvar' and
then ignored it as it seemed to be to complex to me
(time pressure, I concluded that I was faster whipping
up something special for me than understanding rpcvar
(without docs)).

What I did was to create constructor methods which
first generated some tcl list which was then converted
into a dom tree, which was converted into xml. Later I
generated the xml directly from the tcl list, skipping
the dom stage. And the current state is that I
generate the xml directly from the constructor calls,
skipping not only the dom tree but also the tcl list.

As part of my post-processing of the work done I
looked again at rpcvar (now having the time) and see
that it is essentially what I did at first,
generalized so that it can be used with/for XMLRPC
_and_ SOAP.

But it has the problem I fought, transformations upon
transformations until we get the final result, i.e. an
XML string.

I hereby suggest to create alternate sets of rpcvar
constructors which either create directly XML and/or a
DOM tree from the information they get so that the
application can choose how many transformations it
needs to get the result it desires as speedy as


  • Andreas Kupries

    Andreas Kupries - 2001-09-05
    • assigned_to: nobody --> patthoyts
  • Pat Thoyts

    Pat Thoyts - 2002-01-12

    Logged In: YES

    >I hereby suggest to create alternate sets of rpcvar
    >constructors which either create directly XML and/or a
    >DOM tree from the information they get so that the
    >application can choose how many transformations it

    I know it has been a while - but do you have an example of
    what you mean here? I don't really understand what you are


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