
#4227 namespace-old test case 9.5 and namespace case 28.1 fail

obsolete: 8.6a4

platform sparc sun solaris 8, sun c compiler, tcl 8.6 cvs head.

I believe that testing yesterday, tcl passed all test cases.

Today, the following two namespace related cases fail:


==== namespace-old-9.5 empty import list in "namespace import" command FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

lsort [namespace import]

---- Result was:
bytestring cleanupTests configure customMatch debug errorChannel errorFile getMa
tchingFiles interpreter limitConstraints loadFile loadScript loadTestedCommands
mainThread makeDirectory makeFile match matchDirectories matchFiles normalizeMsg
normalizePath outputChannel outputFile preserveCore removeDirectory removeFile
restoreState runAllTests saveState singleProcess skip skipDirectories skipFiles
temporaryDirectory test testConstraint testsDirectory threadReap throw try verbo
se viewFile workingDirectory
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
bytestring cleanupTests configure customMatch debug errorChannel errorFile getMa
tchingFiles interpreter limitConstraints loadFile loadScript loadTestedCommands
mainThread makeDirectory makeFile match matchDirectories matchFiles normalizeMsg
normalizePath outputChannel outputFile preserveCore removeDirectory removeFile
restoreState runAllTests saveState singleProcess skip skipDirectories skipFiles
temporaryDirectory test testConstraint testsDirectory threadReap verbose viewFil
e workingDirectory
==== namespace-old-9.5 FAILED


==== namespace-28.1 NamespaceImportCmd, no args FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
lsort [namespace import]

---- Result was:
bytestring cleanupTests configure customMatch debug errorChannel errorFile getMa
tchingFiles interpreter limitConstraints loadFile loadScript loadTestedCommands
mainThread makeDirectory makeFile match matchDirectories matchFiles normalizeMsg
normalizePath outputChannel outputFile preserveCore removeDirectory removeFile
restoreState runAllTests saveState singleProcess skip skipDirectories skipFiles
temporaryDirectory test testConstraint testsDirectory threadReap throw try verbo
se viewFile workingDirectory
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
bytestring cleanupTests configure customMatch debug errorChannel errorFile getMa
tchingFiles interpreter limitConstraints loadFile loadScript loadTestedCommands
mainThread makeDirectory makeFile match matchDirectories matchFiles normalizeMsg
normalizePath outputChannel outputFile preserveCore removeDirectory removeFile
restoreState runAllTests saveState singleProcess skip skipDirectories skipFiles
temporaryDirectory test testConstraint testsDirectory threadReap verbose viewFil
e workingDirectory
==== namespace-28.1 FAILED


  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2008-12-17
    • assigned_to: msofer --> dgp
    • status: open --> closed-duplicate
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2008-12-17

    Dup. 2433936