
#2063 crash on exit Win9x - progress

obsolete: 8.4.1

TclKit still has a crash on exit reported by several
people on Win 9x.

I'm now able to consistently reproduce it, with latest
CVS head of everything, and running a starkit with the
tkhtml extension in it -

Not sure any of this is crucial, but the above combo
consistently crashes on win98se and does not crash on
nt4 (both under vmware).

I haven't got a debug build of the latest tclkit with
MSVC6, but I did manage to get a link map and a
drwatson log, which - with a bit of hunting - indicates
this problem happens with code in tclEncoding.c, i.e.
encoding cleanup order or something.

TclKit plays one trick with encodings: it has its own C
command which calls TclSetLibraryPath, then
TclpSetInitialEncodings, then Tcl_FindExecutable (all
is in tclkit src/pwb.c, a trivial wrapper).

This is needed to resolve the startup catch-22: create
tcl interp, then run some setup scripts, then tclkit's
end-of-exe data is available as mounted VFS, and *then*
we need to reset the encoding logic so it will find
encodings inside VFS. Twisted, but it seems to work
because there is logic in the startup of encodings to
allow initing twice.

Now the punch line: if I remove the call to
TclpSetInitialEncodings from src/pwb.c, i.e. tclkit's
"librarypath" command, then it no longer crashes on
exit. Put it back in: boom.

Unfortunately, leaving that call out also means the
system encoding does not get set to cp1252 on 98 (on
nt4 it is still fine) - I can easily fix it, though its
unfortunate that the automatic choice for win (and
maybe mac?) gets lost.

Bottom line: I will remove the call to
TclpSetInitialEncodings, and add fake logic to pick
cp1252 on windows (probably incorrect for international
window configs). That way I hope to resolve the
crash-on-exit once and for all.

But there's deep misery behind all this, and probably
also some hideously bad logic in there... maybe the
above helps resolve the true issues underneath.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-10-12

    drwatson crash log

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-10-12

    link map of tclkit/msvc6 again

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-10-12

    Logged In: YES

    Oops, should have compressed the link map - here it is.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-10-12

    Logged In: YES


    When I do the above, the crash comes back. When I do *not*
    switch to the cp1252 in boot.tcl, there is again no crash.

    Maybe the conclusion is a completely different one: maybe we
    simple need to find a spot to reset the encoding to
    something harmless, such as iso8859-1 or identity suring the
    exit process? The encodings are in VFS which at some point
    becomes unavailable.

    Vince - could you suggest a spot, and perhaps the code too,
    where and how reset encodings? As late as possible, I
    suppose - but no later. In Tcl's C code, since we want to
    catch all exit paths.

    I sense victory not too far around the corner :)

  • Vince Darley

    Vince Darley - 2002-10-14

    Logged In: YES

    I don't really understand Tcl's exit process well enough
    to suggest what should be changed. I would suggest
    trying to move this block:


    if (tclExecutableName != NULL) {
    tclExecutableName = NULL;
    if (tclNativeExecutableName != NULL) {
    tclNativeExecutableName = NULL;
    if (tclDefaultEncodingDir != NULL) {
    tclDefaultEncodingDir = NULL;

    to after 'TclFinalizeFilesystem()', but am not sure if that
    is ok... (tclEvent.c, around line 830 onwards).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-10-14

    Logged In: YES

    Progress - taking TclFinalizeEncodingSubsystem *out* makes
    the crash disappear, even when I restore all my previous
    code, i.e. the changes in pwb.c!

    So for now, my workaround is to not call TFES. I'm not sure
    moving things as yoiu describe will do it, since by then VFS
    is gone. Hopefully someone else can comment on that.

    My hunch is that TFES is not quite right yet. Maybe Tcl
    should reset the encoding to a built-in one, then finish
    finilization at a later date? I.e. a two-step process.

    As I said, for now I'll just leave it out and live with the
    mem-leak - it's exit time anyway.

    Yippie - this may well be the crash-on-exit !

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I don't think reseting the system encoding is really the
    thing to do --- it may get rid of a crash, but replace it
    with undefined, weird behaviour through something
    being fooled into using an encoding it doesn't want to.
    The problem appears to be that TclFinalizeFilesystem
    needs the right encoding to exist, so why don't we just
    let that encoding exist?

    So, I would suggest moving the block of code as I

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-10-14

    Logged In: YES

    Perfect - I should not have been so stubborn... it works!

    Terrific, attached is a patch to generic/tclEvent.c - thanks
    you :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-10-14

    patch fixes encoding crash-on-exit in win9x

  • Vince Darley

    Vince Darley - 2002-10-14
    • milestone: --> obsolete: 8.4.1
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • assigned_to: vincentdarley --> hobbs
    • labels: 104242 --> 38. Init - Library - Autoload
  • Vince Darley

    Vince Darley - 2002-10-14

    Logged In: YES


    Can you take a look at this suggested change. I don't
    see any side-effects that could be bad, but don't
    understand Tcl's exit process sufficiently to be sure.

    If you think it is ok, please commit.


  • Vince Darley

    Vince Darley - 2002-10-16

    Logged In: YES

    Upping the priority to make sure this gets in 8.4.1.

  • Vince Darley

    Vince Darley - 2002-10-16
    • priority: 7 --> 9
  • Jeffrey Hobbs

    Jeffrey Hobbs - 2002-10-16

    Logged In: YES

    I'm not entirely confident that this patch is correct, rather than
    just masking the issue. It moves the finalization of the
    encoding stuff after the panic proc is set to nothing. Is it now
    just avoiding a panic?

    Also, is it the early freeing that needs to be avoided, or does
    the actual encoding subsystem need to be finalized after the
    file system? The latter seems dangerous as encodings use
    files as well, but perhaps in an innocuous manner.

  • Jeffrey Hobbs

    Jeffrey Hobbs - 2002-10-16
    • priority: 9 --> 7
  • Vince Darley

    Vince Darley - 2002-10-17

    Logged In: YES

    Encodings do use files, but *not* during finalization.
    Therefore it is ok to move the finalization order.
    Regarding the panic proc, perhaps that should be moved
    to after both filesystem and encoding finalization.

    The crash on exit that has been observed was not
    a 'panic', FWIW.

  • Vince Darley

    Vince Darley - 2002-12-04
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Vince Darley

    Vince Darley - 2002-12-04

    Logged In: YES

    Committed fix to this cleanup sequence problem. No if only
    we had a solution to Tcl's incredible initialisation
    complexities.... ;-)