
#1859 Undocumented public API: threads

obsolete: 8.4a5

The following publically-named API functions are

Tcl_GetAllocMutex (mac/tclMacThrd.c)
Tcl_GetAllocMutex (unix/tclUnixThrd.c)
Tcl_GetAllocMutex (win/tclWinThrd.c)


  • Andreas Kupries

    Andreas Kupries - 2002-05-14
    • assigned_to: andreas_kupries --> hobbs
  • Andreas Kupries

    Andreas Kupries - 2002-05-14

    Logged In: YES

    It is also exported through the public stub table.

    Its description however indicates that it is more
    an internal function required for the initialization
    of the memory allocation subsystem (MAS) of the

    IMHO making it public makes sense only if we allow
    the replacement of the MAS by an external system.
    Something I consider unlikely.

    Hm, ports to PDA's ? ... No, not even for such.
    They most likely will use a different allocator,
    yes, but that is part of the porting work. The
    change is not externally visible.

    So, my recommendation for now is to not to
    document this function and to make it internal
    in the next major release of the core.

    I will assign this now to Jeff to get his
    opinion too.

  • Jeffrey Hobbs

    Jeffrey Hobbs - 2002-07-24
    • assigned_to: hobbs --> vasiljevic
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2003-04-14
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Zoran Vasiljevic

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have very little experience with stub exported calls.
    It is definitely so that above are to be used only internally
    and should therefore be named as TclpGetAllocMutex or such.
    They should not be exported.

    So what to do? Wait for 9.0 and scrap them out of the
    public API?

  • Donal K. Fellows

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I agree (given comments here) that it probably should be called TclpGetAllocMutex, and should have MODULE_SCOPE, but who knows who is calling it? :-( So, I suggest doing the rename and then creating a wrapper function (called Tcl_GetAllocMutex) that calls the real function. (Maybe while printing a message stderr that an unsupported/deprecated API has been called?) There should also be a comment in tcl.decls beside the function declaration that indicates that the function is deprecated and likely to be removed in 9.0.

    With that done, open a separate FRQ ticket to remind us to revisit this (i.e. remove the function) for 9.0, which is when we allow that sort of ABI change. With *that* done, close this ticket.

    Does this make things clear?

  • Zoran Vasiljevic

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    All is clear.

  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2007-10-31
    • priority: 7 --> 9
  • Donal K. Fellows

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Looking in the 'changes' file, I see this:

    8/9/99 (internal api change) Removed the TclpMutexLock and TclpMutexUnlock
    APIs and added a new exported api, Tcl_GetAllocMutex. These APIs are all for
    the mutex used in the simple memory allocators. By making this change
    we are able to substitute different implementations of the thread-related
    APIs without having to recompile the Tcl core. (welch)

  • Donal K. Fellows

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    It seems to me that the right thing to do is to switch this to a call in the internal stubs table; anything poking this deep needs to beware the dragons anyway. Hence it is better not documented (other than perhaps in comments in tclInt.decls and the rest of the sources).

    Dropping prio; no way should this block the 8.5.2 release!

  • Donal K. Fellows

    • priority: 9 --> 7