
#15 Tcl_BackgroundError should check for existence of "bgerror"

obsolete: 8.0.3

OriginalBugID: 729 Bug
Version: 8.0.3
SubmitDate: '1998-10-13'
LastModified: '2000-01-23'
Severity: MED
Status: Closed
Submitter: admin
ChangedBy: hobbs
RelatedBugIDs: 750
OS: All
OSVersion: NA
Machine: NA
FixedDate: '2000-10-25'
FixedInVersion: NA
ClosedDate: '2000-01-23'

Tcl_BackgroundError evaluates bgerror in the global context. If that
returns an error then it generates the message. To determine whether
bgerror is a valid command it compares the interp result with a
particular string and if it matches then bgerror is not defined, else
bgerror generated an error. In the first case it just writes out what
the original error was, in the second case it writes out both the
original error and the new error (as above). Unfortunately the string
it tests against is not

invalid command name "bgerror"


"bgerror" is an invalid command name or ambiguous abbreviation

which I presume used to be the error returned when a command did not
exist but the error has changed.

It should really use Tcl_GetCommandInfo or something similar to check
whether bgerror is defined.


  • Brent B. Welch

    Brent B. Welch - 2000-10-26
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • status: open --> closed-duplicate
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2001-04-07
    • labels: 104246 --> 02. Event Loops
    • summary: Tcl_BackgroundError should check for existence of "bgerror" --> Tcl_BackgroundError should check for existence of "bgerror"