
tbroot Business Management Portal / News: Recent posts

Girl Cashes theodigger's Laptop

Thats right, theodiggers no longer has a means to work on the project until he purchases a new harddrive and restores the system.

Posted by Kevin Croker 2003-07-08

tbcore Second Draft Specification Released

tbcore is nearly complete in both design and implementation, this second draft contains many modifications, enhancements, and clarifications. Check it out!

Posted by Kevin Croker 2003-06-28

Coding from Spec Starts Even Before Second Draft!

Even before the the second draft of the tbcore Functionality Specification has been completed and submitted, members of Tight Business Solutions and the open source community have begun writing code and submitting notes. CVS checkout the system, dubbed alphafinal, and take a swing at it! Be sure to read developer notes in the Developer Forum before to get an idea of where everyone else is since the last commit.

Posted by Kevin Croker 2003-06-20

tbcore First Draft Specification Complete

User theodiggers has completed a first draft of the a new proposed modular system to replace the existing cumbersome, inefficient codebase. Design goals were ease of extension (modularity), ease of distributed development, and standardization of interface procedures. Section 6 (permissions) is currently un-written and the tbroot project wants to hear YOUR opinions. Let them know!

Posted by Kevin Croker 2003-06-19

First Release of tbroot Source!

Dabblings of the existing internal alpha3 codebase have been released! Check them out under the Files section, tbroot

Posted by Kevin Croker 2003-06-17

tbroot alpha3 Database Skeleton Released

In a move to gather public opinions, comments, questions, and suggestions, the internally used alpha3 table schema has been released for public consumption in the form of a 'feed me to the mysql command' dump file that will recreate a skeleton database for your parusal. Note that not all the tables resent are actually used in alpha3. Also not a distinct lack of relationality. A preliminary alpha4 schema is on its way, which changes SIGNIFICANTLY many key points in this schema, adds new tables, etc.

Posted by Kevin Croker 2003-06-17