
#626 Taskcoach using 10% CPU


My Taskcoach is using on average 10 % of my CPU when a task is marked as "running".
I have turned of the "ticking" clock in the system tray.

Once I stop the "running task", the load drops below the noiselevel.

I run Taskcoach on a Dell Lattitude D620 with Intel Core Duo T5600, 1.83 Ghz and 2 GB RAM on Windows XP SP2.


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  • Jan Carsten Jørgensen

    I forgot to tell. I have 101 tasks listed in my taskcoach.
    15 are closed and 86 are visible.
    I only mark one task as "running" at a time.

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-01-15

    Hi Jan,

    On my Dell Inspiron 531 with AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 2,3 Ghz and 2 GB RAM on Windows Vista CPU use while tracking effort is 0% with a small task file and 1-2% with a large task file (600 tasks, 7000 effort records).

    This probably has nothing to do with it, but do you have autosave and/or backup on?

    Thanks, Frank

  • Jan Carsten Jørgensen

    Thank you for replying, and thank you for a good tool.

    I use the "Auto Save" feature and I also use the "Create a backup before overwriting a Taskcoach file".

    In case you have a "virtual desktop" application, which can give you "multiple desktop views", You have to have the windows taskmanager run in the same window as Taskcoach, and Taskcoach must not be minimized in order to reproduce the 10 % I see.

    if you minimize the Taskcoach, the CPU load drops to about 5-6 % and in case you run the taskmanager in a different window from Taskcoach (and Taskcoach NOT minimized) the CPU load drops to approx 5 %.

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-01-18

    Hi Jan,

    Does it make a difference when you turn off the autosave and autobackup?

    I don't have a virtual desktop application and I didn't minimize Task Coach...

    Thanks, Frank

  • Jan Carsten Jørgensen

    It makes no difference if the autosave and Autobackup is on or off - Sorry !


  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-01-19

    Hi JC,

    What happens to the reported CPU% if you open Task Coach, start effort tracking and make sure the mouse is outside of the Task Coach window?

    I see a big difference between having the mouse inside or outside the Task Coach window. Moving the mouse inside the Task Ciach window will make the CPU% jump to 20-40%, as soon as I move the mouse outside the window, the CPU% drops to 0 or 1%. All this while tracking effort.

    Thanks, Frank

  • Jan Carsten Jørgensen

    Hi Frank

    Only a spike on the CPU load (within one sample from Windows Taskmanager runing at normal speed) of values between 16 and 23 %. Then it again settles at the 10%.

    However if Windows taskmanager is set to refresh at high speed, I get numbers as 40%


  • yampis

    yampis - 2010-01-21


    I've similar problem. I'm running portable version of Taskcoach 0.78.1. When I've effort running CPU usage is above 80 %. Sometimes it is 99%... When I stop the effort CPU usage is 4%-5%

    I've Win XP SP3 CPU - Intel Celeron M 1,6 GHz; RAM 1GB
    Task file consist of 400 tasks and 700 efforts

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-01-22

    Jan, yampis,

    Can please remove (or rename) your TaskCoach.ini file, start Task Coach, open your task file, start tracking effort, and see whether that makes a difference?

    Thanks, Frank

  • Jan Carsten Jørgensen


    I have now done as requested. I did not recreate all my +100 tasks.
    I have a "Effort" frame and a "Tasks" frame visible, and that's it.

    I created one task with one sub-task, started the sub-task and watched time ticking away in the "Effort" frame.

    I then had the Windows taskmanager running in front of a non-minimized taskcoach.
    When the mouse-pointer was in focus of the Windows taskmanager, the CPU load for taskcoach was zero%.
    When I moved the mouse-pointer FROM Windows taskmanager TO taskcoach (Not clicking only moving the mouse-pointer), the load for taskcoach increased to an average of 3-4 %.

    I am running taskcoach 0.78.2 now.

    Best regards

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-01-25

    Hi Jan,

    Thanks! I think the real bug is that the TaskCoach.ini file is not cleaned when Task Coach saves its settings. When you reopen Task Coach it creates more viewers than are actually shown on the screen and that causes the slow performance. Did you save your old TaskCoach.ini? If so, please attach it here.

    Thanks, Frank

  • Jan Carsten Jørgensen

  • Jan Carsten Jørgensen

    Hi Frank
    File is now attached. 107 tasks+subtasks. 92 visible


  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-01-26

    Hi Jan,

    Thanks again. Somehow your TaskCoach.ini makes Task Coach create four viewers, of which only two are visible. One of those four is a timeline viewer. When tracking effort, that viewer redraws its timeline chart every second. So that's why you got the 10% CPU load. Now I'll have to figure out why these zombie viewers are created and how to prevent it.

    Thanks, Frank

  • Jan Carsten Jørgensen

    Hi Frank

    Great news. I have been playing around when I first installed Taskcoach and for sure I also wanted to see what a Timeline view was, and then I discarded it again as it did not meet my requirements (Not saying it was useless, but I mainly use taskcoach as a tracking tool rather than a planning tool)

    I just checked (by moving the my two views around) the timeline view was not present behind my two visible views.

    I hope you find the root cause and a way to "clean" the ini-file.


  • yampis

    yampis - 2010-01-28


    When I deleted TaskCoach.ini and recreaated all views and settings, my problem disapeared. If it helps you I send both old and new TaskCoach.ini files!


  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-01-28

    @yampis, please attach the old TaskCoach.ini.

    Thanks, Frank

  • yampis

    yampis - 2010-01-29

    Sorry for stupid question... How should I make attachments to comments???

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-01-29

    Click on the link and scroll to the bottom of the bug report and click on "Add a file" (It's a bit hard to spot I agree). You have to logged in to Sourceforge.

    Cheers, Frank

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-01-29

    A fix was made and checked into the source code repository of Task Coach. The fix will be part of the next release. You will get another notification when that release is available with the request to install the new release and confirm that your issue has indeed been fixed.

    If you like, you can download a recent build from to test the fix.

    Because a fix has been made for this bug report, the priority of this report has been lowered to 1 and its resolution has been set to 'Fixed'.

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-01-31

    This bug should be fixed in the latest release of Task Coach. Can
    you please install the latest release of Task Coach and confirm
    that this bug has indeed been fixed?

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Jan Carsten Jørgensen


    Thank you for the big effort put into this.
    Will I need to start taskcoach from scratch(with a fresh taskcoach.ini) and recreate all my tasks ? If YES, is there then an easy way to import tasks again ?

    After the update, I could see the two zombie views and deleted them, and saved that setup.
    I then restarted taskcoach and started to track effort again.
    I'm now down to 8 % on average.

    Best regards

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-02-01

    Hmm, 8% is still pretty high, higher than I would expect. Please attach your current TaskCoach.ini here so I can check on my computer.

    To answer your question: you do not need to enter all your tasks again. Your TaskCoach.ini should be clean now (but I just want to double check).

    Thanks, Frank

  • draebb

    draebb - 2010-02-02

    The issue may caused by updating type column in Tasks viewer - Time spent, Total time spent, (Total)Budget left, (Total)Revenue, even if no data is shown in budget left and revenue column. With a clean TaskCoach.ini my cpu usage is about 0-2% while tracking effort. After one of the columns actived the cpu usage raised to 5x-9x%.

    Environment: Pentium 4 3G, Ubuntu 9.10, Task Coach 0.78.3 with 186 tasks.

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2010-02-02

    @draebb Thanks. While tracking effort, I get 2% with the budget column and 0% without the budget column on my PC. I'll see what I can do.

    Cheers, Frank

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