
#1643 Awfully unlogical window/column resizing


Dear Task Coach team,

thank you for this software, but today i want to take something off of my heart. It is the TC window/column resizing "experience". It is awfull. Could not you just make it act normal? Please find below two description of hair pulling nonsense.

First, here a picture of my TC window:
On the left-hand side i have the "Task" panel, with two columns inside it: Subject and Time spent.
On the right-hand side i have the "Effort" panel, with four columns inside it: Period, Task, Description and Time spent.

Now let say my Description column is too narrow. I want to widen it. So, the fun begin: i drag the left side of it to the left (that's what i do intuitively because the Task column is very wide so i can take room on this side). As long as i hold and drag, it reacts, well, not like it should, but i could cope with it: Description column widening by taking room on the Task column side (=ok), shifting the Time spent column wiht it (= not ok! I did not intended to drag the following column, it should have stayed anchored at its place. Now i will afterwards have to pull the Time spent column back to where it was, i.e. on the far right side of the window). But when i release the mouse button, haha!: the left side of the Desciption column jump back half the way i dragged it, and the Period column (??) widen the other half?! That is absurd. Now the Period column is too wide, so i want to narrow it back. So i pull the right side and drag it to the left. While i am dragging, i see how columns are shifted alltogether to the left (nooo!), but when i release the mouse button it's ok: right-hand columns are nicely coming back to their place (so why where they shifting why i was dragging??) and i obtained what i wanted: the Period column narrowed with the Task column widening, the reste being kept to it's place and width. So. Now i am back to the biginning. HOW to widen the Description column. Do you have an answer? Because i don't. So i just drag back and forth all column sides, with having them resizing in a totally nonsense manner, until i finally achieve the sizes that i want. It is so annoying.

Now let say i want to smaller (horizontally) the whole Task Coach window. Again, a lot of fun. Without thinking, i take the right-hand side of the window frame and dragg it to the right. What it should do: smaller the window, with everything - panels, columns, sizes - staying at its place. I.e. NOT MOVING. What it does: shifts the whole Effort panel in a block, resizing (diminishing) the Subject panel (which disappears if i drag too much). That is wrong. You see how the Subject panel is being gradualy hidden when dragging the right-hand side of TC window? Well, that is what should happen beginning from the EFFORT panel side, since it's the TC window/Effort panel right-side frame that i was dragging, not the middle frame!! So now, again, i have to resize everything. Shifting and draging with each time a nonsense reaction until i get the right column and panel sizes back.

It would take a lot of other words to describe how a normal window/column sizing experience should be. Therefore i would instead suggest you to refer to a Windows explorer window, for example. Or any non-TC window. ;)

I think fixing that would be a huge relief for everybody using Task Coach...

Thank you. :)


  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2017-03-28

    The issues you are experiencing are inherent to the underlying framework used by Task Coach currently rather than something we did. Maybe updated versions of the framework would be better. but… you can just fix all the bizarre aspects of this by going to the menu View>Columns and turn off auto resizing! Cheers

    • Elli

      Elli - 2017-03-28

      Hi Aaron,
      I forgot to mention the exemples described where without the automatic function beeing activated... but thank you for informing... and for the hope!! ;)

        De : Aaron Wolf <>

      À :
      Envoyé le : mardi 28 mars 2017 17h56
      Objet : [taskcoach:bugs] #1643 Awfully unlogical window/column resizing

      The issues you are experiencing are inherent to the underlying framework used by Task Coach currently rather than something we did. Maybe updated versions of the framework would be better. but… you can just fix all the bizarre aspects of this by going to the menu View>Columns and turn off auto resizing! Cheers [bugs:#1643] Awfully unlogical window/column resizingStatus: open
      First version affected: Release_0.72.0
      Created: Tue Mar 28, 2017 11:39 AM UTC by Elli
      Last Updated: Tue Mar 28, 2017 11:39 AM UTC
      Owner: nobodyDear Task Coach team,thank you for this software, but today i want to take something off of my heart. It is the TC window/column resizing "experience". It is awfull. Could not you just make it act normal? Please find below two description of hair pulling nonsense.First, here a picture of my TC window:
      On the left-hand side i have the "Task" panel, with two columns inside it: Subject and Time spent.
      On the right-hand side i have the "Effort" panel, with four columns inside it: Period, Task, Description and Time spent.Now let say my Description column is too narrow. I want to widen it. So, the fun begin: i drag the left side of it to the left (that's what i do intuitively because the Task column is very wide so i can take room on this side). As long as i hold and drag, it reacts, well, not like it should, but i could cope with it: Description column widening by taking room on the Task column side (=ok), shifting the Time spent column wiht it (= not ok! I did not intended to drag the following column, it should have stayed anchored at its place. Now i will afterwards have to pull the Time spent column back to where it was, i.e. on the far right side of the window). But when i release the mouse button, haha!: the left side of the Desciption column jump back half the way i dragged it, and the Period column (??) widen the other half?! That is absurd. Now the Period column is too wide, so i want to narrow it back. So i pull the right side and drag it to the left. While i am dragging, i see how columns are shifted alltogether to the left (nooo!), but when i release the mouse button it's ok: right-hand columns are nicely coming back to their place (so why where they shifting why i was dragging??) and i obtained what i wanted: the Period column narrowed with the Task column widening, the reste being kept to it's place and width. So. Now i am back to the biginning. HOW to widen the Description column. Do you have an answer? Because i don't. So i just drag back and forth all column sides, with having them resizing in a totally nonsense manner, until i finally achieve the sizes that i want. It is so annoying.Now let say i want to smaller (horizontally) the whole Task Coach window. Again, a lot of fun. Without thinking, i take the right-hand side of the window frame and dragg it to the right. What it should do: smaller the window, with everything - panels, columns, sizes - staying at its place. I.e. NOT MOVING. What it does: shifts the whole Effort panel in a block, resizing (diminishing) the Subject panel (which disappears if i drag too much). That is wrong. You see how the Subject panel is being gradualy hidden when dragging the right-hand side of TC window? Well, that is what should happen beginning from the EFFORT panel side, since it's the TC window/Effort panel right-side frame that i was dragging, not the middle frame!! So now, again, i have to resize everything. Shifting and draging with each time a nonsense reaction until i get the right column and panel sizes back.It would take a lot of other words to describe how a normal window/column sizing experience should be. Therefore i would instead suggest you to refer to a Windows explorer window, for example. Or any non-TC window. ;)I think fixing that would be a huge relief for everybody using Task Coach...Thank you. :)Sent from because you indicated interest in unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2017-03-28

    By the way, no images are showing in your bug report here.

    Personally, when I have auto-resize off, everything is easy to work with. It appears from your report that you have auto-resize on but don't realize it. Or else something else strange is happening. I would try turning it on and off and experimenting to make sure it's successfully off. For example, resizing the window has NO effect on the column sizes when it is truly off.

    If you want to test with a clean setup, try temporarily renaming or moving your .ini file


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