
#1536 Task coach only get maximized/minimized when clicking exactly in the middle of the symbol in the task tray


In Linux when using KDE (here it would be KDE 4.12.4) (don't know what it's like with other desktops), and I click on the symbol in the task tray, mostly nothing happens. Then I have to click again, and again, and again, until I found out, that this symbol only reacts when you click almost exactly in the middle. At the boarders it does not react, neither on left nor on right clicks.
I tried it out with other applications, and on their task tray icon also the boarders react. So it's not a KDE issue.

It's not a bad bug, but a really annoying one...


  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2014-07-25
    • assigned_to: Jérome Laheurte
    • Priority: 1 --> 4
  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2014-07-25

    I can confirm this bug. I also use KDE. I am pretty sure this exact issue has not always been a problem (although the tray icon has always been a bit glitchy)

  • Jérome Laheurte

    A fix was made and checked into the source code repository of Task Coach. The fix will be part of the next release. You will get another notification when that release is available with the request to install the new release and confirm that your issue has indeed been fixed.

    If you like, you can download a recent build from to test the fix.

    Because a fix has been made for this bug report, the priority of this report has been lowered to 1 and its resolution has been set to 'Fixed'.
    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Jérome Laheurte

    This bug should be fixed in the latest release of Task Coach. Can you please install the latest release of Task Coach and confirm that this bug has indeed been fixed?

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • ChristopherM

    ChristopherM - 2014-11-11

    There is a related problem since this version 1.4.1 (I'm guessing as of this fix) on LinuxMint 17 LTS 64bit with the MATE desktop.

    The TC icon in the task tray is very large and stretched out when you start TC and then when you start tracking time the icon disappears leaving a big gap on the task tray where the ticking clock icon should be. When you click where the icon should be TC still maximises as expected.

  • Jef Knoors

    Jef Knoors - 2017-03-14

    yes, I confirm this is still a problem 2017 March,14 in Mint 17.3

    The TC icon in the task tray is very large and stretched out when you start TC and then when you start tracking time the icon disappears leaving a big gap on the task tray where the ticking clock icon should be. When you click where the icon should be TC still maximises as expected.


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