
#1323 Icons on main viewer menu confusing


"Mark Task Complete" icon and "Hide Completed Tasks" icon too similar.

"Mark Task Active" (unselected) icon and "Hide Inactive Tasks" icon almost identical.

"Mark Task Inactive" icon and "Hide Inactive Tasks" icon too similar.

Shouldn't the "Mark Task Active" and "Mark Task Inactive" be toggle states of the same icon, rather than be two separate icons (at present you have two states - Active + Inactive - with four icon states - Inactive ON/OFF, Active ON/OFF)?

These similarities causes confusion when using viewers. It is not uncommon for me to mark a task off as complete when all I wanted to do is hide my completed tasks. The gradient, although apparent on close inspection, is not obvious. A suggestion for an alternative is overlapping the gray or green ball with a larger different coloured ball (e.g. grey with black edge) to simulate an eclipse or the crescent of the moon).

I consider this a bug, as icons are meant to provide quick recognition of the associated routines but these gray and green balls require the user to stop and make sure they are selecting the correct option, and can result in the wrong options being selected.


  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2012-11-12

    Simon, I agree. I have even made this mistake myself even though I am quite familiar with the program.

    I'm not sure about the best answer though. What about just having a spacer after the effort tracking clock icons? If it was possible to just separate the icons so that there was a clear break between icons for doing an action on various items vs filtering?
    Or otherwise, if the filter-related icons were on their own toolbar… what do you think?

    We would appreciate any further ideas.

  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2012-11-12
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
     Shouldn't the "Mark Task Active" and "Mark Task Inactive" be toggle states of the same icon, rather than be two separate icons (at present you have two states - Active + Inactive - with four icon states - Inactive ON/OFF, Active ON/OFF)?
    -These similarities causes confusion when using viewers. It is not uncommon for me to mark a task off as complete when all I wanted to do is hide my completed tasks. The gradient, although apparent on close inspection, is not obvious. A sugestion for an alternative is overlapping the gray or green ball with a larger different coloured ball (e.g. grey with black edge) to simulate an eclipse or the crescent of the moon).
    +These similarities causes confusion when using viewers. It is not uncommon for me to mark a task off as complete when all I wanted to do is hide my completed tasks. The gradient, although apparent on close inspection, is not obvious. A suggestion for an alternative is overlapping the gray or green ball with a larger different coloured ball (e.g. grey with black edge) to simulate an eclipse or the crescent of the moon).
     I consider this a bug, as icons are meant to provide quick recognition of the associated routines but these gray and green balls require the user to stop and make sure they are selecting the correct option, and can result in the wrong options being selected.
    • platform_s: linux --> multiple
    • priority: 1 --> 5
  • Jérome Laheurte

    The filter icons are now overlayed with a red cross (next release).

  • Jérome Laheurte

    • status: open --> fixed
    • assigned_to: Jérome Laheurte
    • priority: 5 --> 1
  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2013-02-08
    • status: fixed-and-released --> closed

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