
#1088 Recurring Reminder Problems

MacOSX (107)

Hi, I have a recurring item that I also want to have a reminder on both my computer and my iPod. I set it us so that is shows an alert at the proper time and date. I also checked that I would like the item to recur daily. This will work for several days and then suddenly I don't get a reminder anymore. When I check the calendar portion of the program the box for reminder is no longer checked. I didn't set an end date for my recurring item, because it is something I need to remember every day. I don't know how it is unchecking itself, but I'm literally not doing anything but clicking on the box that the task has been completed each day when it is completed.


  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2012-01-07

    We could reproduce the bug you reported. We'll do our best to fix it as soon as possible.

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2012-01-07

    I think what may happen is this:

    1. The reminder pops up. The combo box for snooze time is set to "Don't snooze" (or you set it to that value)
    2. You click on the task subject to open the task. Since you don't snooze the reminder and the reminder has just fired, it is reset.
    3. You click the completion date in the dates tab of the task edit dialog or use some other way to mark the task completed.
    4. Task Coach recurs the task, but doesn't set a new reminder since it was reset.

    I'll have to think about a way to have the task remember the reminder date and time, even though it was reset.

    Thanks, Frank

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2012-01-07

    A fix was made and checked into the source code repository of Task Coach. The fix will be part of the next release. You will get another notification when that release is available with the request to install the new release and confirm that your issue has indeed been fixed.

    If you like, you can download a recent build from to test the fix before the next release is available.

    Because a fix has been made for this bug report, the priority of this report has been lowered to 1 and its resolution has been set to 'Fixed'. Please keep the status of the bug report 'Open' until the next release is available to prevent duplicate bug reports.

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2012-01-22

    This bug should be fixed in the latest release of Task Coach. Can
    you please install the latest release of Task Coach and confirm
    that this bug has indeed been fixed?

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2012-02-11

    Earlier, you received a message that we think this bug is fixed and we asked you to confirm it. However, you didn't confirm that this bug is fixed, but you didn't indicate it isn't fixed either. We're going to assume that the bug is fixed for you and that the bug report can be closed. If this is incorrect, feel free to comment on this bug report and we'll reopen it.

    Thanks, Task Coach development team


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