
#1067 Windows XP doesn't close when Task Coach in tray


O.S.: Windows XP SP3 fully updated.

Frequency: Always.

Description: When Task Coach is in tray and I try to reboot or shutdown, Windows XP starts to close applications but after closing Task Coach (icon disappears from tray and process isn't in Task Manager) it stops to close and remains working as I never ordered to exit. I have to do it again to get it off. When Task Coach isn't in tray, Windows XP exits normally..

Remarks: I have seen this issue before in another old version of Task Coach and it was fixed, but reappeared in last 5 or 6 Task Coach versions.


  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2011-12-13

    Hi Roberto,

    I can't replicate this. I tested these six scenario's on Windows XP SP3 and they all work as expected:
    1. Without changes, task window visible, reboots fine
    2. Without changes, task window minimized to task bar, reboots fine
    3. Without changes, task window minimized to tray only, reboots fine
    4. With changes, task window visible, reboots fine after asking whether I want to save changes
    5. With changes, task window minimized to task bar, reboots fine after asking whether I want to save changes
    6. With changes, task window minimized to tray only, reboots fine after asking whether I want to save changes

    Can you please attach your TaskCoach.ini so I can test with your settings?

    Thanks, Frank

  • Roberto Morgand

    Roberto Morgand - 2011-12-13

    TaskCoach.ini file

  • Roberto Morgand

    Roberto Morgand - 2011-12-13

    Hi Frank,

    Thank you for your reply. I have attached my TaskCoach.ini file.

    I supposed this issue to be strange. If not, someone would report it before.

    I can't imagine what's happenning but I see that Windows XP add an entry in the event log with this data:

    Origin: USER32
    Type: Warning
    Event ID: 1073
    Description: Error trying to reboot <computer_name>

  • TheBusinessSage

    TheBusinessSage - 2012-01-16

    Hi Frank,

    I too am getting this error. winXP with Task Coach latest beta.

    Only just isolated the problem and found this thead.

    Do I need to edit the .ini file in some way.

    Thanks, Les

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2012-01-17


    I'm sorry, but I don't know what is causing this problem. It works on my Windows XP machine. There doesn't seem to be anything in Roberto's settings that's related to this since testing with his settings still doesn't trigger the issue on my machine.

    Can you test the six scenario's I tested (see and report on the result if you have some time?

    Thanks, Frank

  • TheBusinessSage

    TheBusinessSage - 2012-01-19

    Hi Frank,

    I performed the tests requested with the following results

    1. Task Coach shut down but windows did not reboot.
    2. Task Coach shut down but windows did not reboot.
    3. Task Coach shut down but windows did not reboot.
    4. Task Coach shut down without asking to save the changes. Changes were saved, but windows did not reboot.
    5. Task Coach shut down without asking to save the changes. Changes were saved, but windows did not reboot.
    6. Task Coach shut down without asking to save the changes. Changes were saved, but windows did not reboot.

    Hope this helps.


  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2012-10-01
    • platform_s: --> windows
    • priority: 3 --> 4

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