
TappedAudio / News: Recent posts

TappedAudio Stable Release (0.3)

0.3 Release brings numerous new features and bug fixes -- see the change log

- Audio splitting
- Cleaner RecordOpts passing
- Ability to map ASSamples loaded externally into the AudioSystem
- Silence Removal
- Various bug and warning fixes
- Let the ringbuffer compile on x86_64
- Various ThreadMan cleanups
- ASSample has changed, so this is probably not ABI-compatible

Posted by Trent Apted 2008-04-21

TappedAudio First Stable Release (0.2)

Lots of bug fixes, and added automatic resampling support -- if a sound file loaded off disk has a sample rate that does not match the currently running audio system, it will be resampled and kept in memory for mixing. Uses libresample (LGPL).

Now pretty stable.

See also the subversion repository

svn co tappedaudio

Posted by Trent Apted 2006-03-16

TappedAudio Second Alpha Release

Check out this new approach to an audio API -- tested on MinGW and Linux, support (currently) for C/C++, Ruby and Python (via Swig). Perl and Java coming soon.

API Documentation is here:, see especially the examples.

Posted by Trent Apted 2005-11-22

Initial Alpha Release

Initial Alpha release of TappedAudio -- welcoming comments. API Documentation is here:, see especially the examples.

Posted by Trent Apted 2005-11-07