
#1 Why the strange installer?

John Pye

Hi there

I've just now discovered your Tahoe software, since I
was looking for people who had ported SPOOLES in a nice
form for use with GCC.

I'm probably not going to be a user of your particular
software, but I would like to just suggest that maybe
your package your software in a more standard form.
Your downloader seems to request files from the
sourceforge CVS server, but many people will have
access with this approach. For example, our department
doesn't allow outgoing pserver CVS connections, and I
know that many other people have this problem as well.
Also, the file hosting is specifically designed
for large volume downloads -- mirroring etc, which the
CVS server is not. I think that an important part of
distributing a program is distributing it in a
single-file, selfcontained form with clear version
information. The tahoe installer seems to make that
rather difficult.

Anyway, good luck with the project.


  • Patrick Klein

    Patrick Klein - 2005-09-30

    Logged In: YES

    Hi JP,

    Thanks for the feedback. We moved Tahoe to SF after a couple of
    years of development on our own server. The users were mainly users/
    developers who collaborated together to implement new capabilities
    together. We do plan to post some non-CVS, full-source releases in the
    near future to address the type of users you describe. One question for
    you: how many of the optional modules should we include the single-file

  • Patrick Klein

    Patrick Klein - 2005-09-30
    • assigned_to: nobody --> paklein

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