
jo! / News: Recent posts

jo! retired

Since I have not been able to work on jo! in the past two years, I hereby declare jo! retired.
It's been a great experience. I've learned a lot.

Posted by Hendrik Schreiber 2007-10-02

jo! 1.1b1 released

The first beta of jo!s version 1.1 has been released.
The new release prominently features JSR-45 support (, which means that you can now debug JSP on the source level. JSR-45 support has been tested with JSwat ( an open source debugger also hosted on Souceforge.
Other improvements are minor bugfixes.
If you haven't given jo! a try yet, you might want to act now...... read more

Posted by Hendrik Schreiber 2005-07-07

Cargo 0.5 will support jo!

The upcoming v0.5 release of Cargo ( will support jo! 1.1. Cargo is an API that allows you to start and stop J2EE containers as well as deploy applications via a Java or an Ant API.

Posted by Hendrik Schreiber 2005-03-18

jo! 1.1a4 released!

The fourth alpha of jo!s version 1.1 has been released. The new released features some UI enhancements - most importantly clickable filenames in the logpanel. This allows JSP developers to simply click on the error message in the log to open the offending Java or JSP file (so far Win and Mac only). Of course jo! indicates the exact line number in the Java files as well as the JSP file. Additionally log messages are now colorcoded by importance.
Under the hood Java 5 (aka JDK 1.5) compatibility was improved and the now dispensable DOM implementation was removed.
If you are not familiar with jo!, yet, give it a shot!... read more

Posted by Hendrik Schreiber 2005-03-15

DnD deployment and OS X disk image

The third alpha version of the webserver/servletengine jo! version 1.1 has just been released.
The new version adds drag-and-drop deployment support. This allows you to simply drag your WAR (web application archive) onto jo!'s Swing console to deploy it. Can it be any easier?
For the first time jo! is also distributed as a Mac OS X disk image - making it easier than ever for the growing OS X developer community to use jo!
Other enhancements are minor GUI improvements and the support for system properties expansion. This allows you to include a system property in certain configuration parameters such as log file names, making it easier to distribute web applications launched directly from a CD-ROM.... read more

Posted by Hendrik Schreiber 2005-01-19

Alpha 2 for jo! released

Version 1.1 alpha 2 for jo! has just been released. This release features full support for Servlet 2.3/JSP 1.2, JSR-45 and a couple of other goodies. Check it out! Feedback especially about the still unverified JSR-45 support is very welcome.

Posted by Hendrik Schreiber 2005-01-02

First 1.1 alpha version of jo!

The first alpha version of jo! 1.1 has been released. The servlet and jsp capable web server jo! now offers initial support for servlet API 2.3 and JSP 1.2.

Posted by Hendrik Schreiber 2004-06-28

Version 1.0.3 of jo! released

We just released version 1.0.3 of the web server/servlet engine jo! This release contains a small number of minor bugfixes provided by users. A first alpha release of version 1.1 will be posted soon.

Posted by Hendrik Schreiber 2004-06-08

Latest CVS version supports Servlet API 2.3

The current version in the CVS (finally) supports Servlet API 2.3. JSP 1.2 support is not added yet, but will be added soon. Feedback from the brave who want to give the latest version a shot is very welcome! Keep in mind that this is alpha quality...

Posted by Hendrik Schreiber 2004-04-16